Is content king or a pain? As a fan of historical dramas like Versaille and The King, I’ve learned that some kings are heroes – and often high maintenance. And as a marketer, I know content needs to work hard to earn its crown. Yet, putting content to work can come with a high price tag.
Marketer as media guru
As marketers, we produce a variety of content including videos, blog posts, and ebooks. Then we produce, publish, and share that content with customers. We wear so many hats as producer, editor, and publisher. Why? Done right, the returns on content are high. Content helps inform, upsell, and resell to existing customers. It also provides a way to attract new customers.
Go for the gains
So in what way is content a pain? It can be difficult to connect customers to content. Let’s take the example of a blog post like the one you’re reading. Getting a post published on a corporate blog is usually easy enough. After this post is live, customers need to search or browse your site to find this content. You can also use social media or paid advertising to drive customers to content. That works to a point. But social media promotion has uncertain benefits and paid promotion gets expensive at scale, which can drag down returns.
So, what’s the answer? Here’s how you deliver the right content to the right customer at the right time without draining your ad budget:
1. Create the content customers want
Look for ways to turn product know-how into useful content. Our team has found that how-to content engages far more people than product-heavy content. A how-to post like this one is a good B2B example. The approach translates to B2C, too. Let’s say you sell outdoor equipment. A post about how to choose the correct size helmet for children will engage customers more deeply than a list of this year’s coolest helmets for kids. Plus, you can include images and links to helmets in the sizing post. Brainstorm content ideas by asking yourself what different customer audiences want to learn.
2. Use CRM data to deliver personalized content
Having content that customers want is just the beginning. Tap your CRM data to personalize content distribution. Since you can target audiences with specific content using CRM data, people who’ve recently purchased snow gear for kids see the ski helmet post right on the homepage. When the wealth of your CRM data guides distribution, customers will be able to find content that’s likely to interest them without searching.
3. Extend content across every touchpoint
Too often content gets consumed on only one or two digital touchpoints. You’ll get maximum value from your content when it’s connected to the entire customer journey. The same blog post that customers see while shopping on the web should be as easy to find within your service portal, customer forum, or mobile app.
Seeing fast returns on creating the content customers want is as simple (or as difficult) as putting customer interests first. No need to involve IT. Taking advantage of CRM data and extending content across touchpoints might seem like a heavier lift. But, some content management systems (CMS) make it easy to use content across digital touchpoints and link to CRM. You can start on the path to higher returns on content today. Keep your focus on the gain and know that there are smart ways to avoid the pain, no matter how royal it is.
Get inspired to drive higher returns from an investment in content. See how digital leaders at companies like Fenty Beauty and United Airlines boost returns on experience (ROX) with content. Watch the Digital Experience Keynote: Maximize Your Return on Experience.