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TrailheaDX '19 Agenda Builder Is Live

TrailheaDX '19 Agenda Builder Is Live

Planning to go to TrailheaDX, the must-attend conference for devs, admins, and architects? Use Agenda Builder to customize your experience.

The TrailheaDX Agenda Builder is now available. Here are a few insider tips on how to create a fantastic, personalized onsite schedule for your best-ever TrailheaDX experience.

What is Agenda Builder?

Agenda Builder is your first step in becoming a Trailblazer at this year’s TrailheaDX conference, the must-attend conference for devs, admins, and architects. Once you’re registered for TrailheaDX, log into the website to use Agenda Builder to customize your experience at TrailheaDX by bookmarking the sessions you want to attend.

Below are tips for finding and booking the best content from our more than 200 technical sessions. 

What can you do with Agenda Builder?

  1. Filters are your friend. Use them wisely! We have industries, roles, products, themes, and levels for you to filter content by. We suggest that you begin with your role, as this will help you find the sessions best suited for you. Then layer on the themes and products that you’re most interested in. Also, don’t forget to search by industry, too, as we have an incredible lineup of sessions dedicated to specific industries.
  2. Walk-ins 101. Don’t forget that 100% of all seats are bookmark only, which means you can’t reserve a seat. You can add sessions to your agenda by clicking on the star next to the session title. If you see something you just can’t miss, get there early to ensure you get a seat.
  3. Bookmark that extra session. With Agenda Builder, you can bookmark the sessions that you are interested in. You can always go back and remove any that you know you won’t be attending.
  4. Theater Sessions. We have over 100 20-minute theater sessions in the Campground and Expo area for you to choose from, so make sure to add them to your schedule. You’ll find success stories, tips, tricks, and action-based sessions that pack a punch.
  5. Balance is key. TrailheaDX is a two-day conference, so we recommend balancing your schedule so that you have time to enjoy all that it has to offer. Try only booking four or five sessions per day in order to give you space to go with the flow and enjoy all that San Francisco has to offer.

To get started with Agenda Builder, first, make sure you’re registered for TrailheaDX, then go here to find and build out your perfect schedule. You can also plan your schedule on the Salesforce Events app. Download here.


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