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Weekly Digest: Middle Managers — It’s Your Time to Shine

Building a COVID-19 Resource Page: Tracking the Virus Through Actionable Data

The pandemic is teaching us that the most needed changes may come from the unlikeliest leaders. This week, the latest blog posts highlight several stories of improbable leaders.

This post originally appeared on April 16 in the Salesforce Blog’s newsletter, a weekly roundup of our most recent stories. Get on the list by clicking “Subscribe” above.

If there’s one thing the pandemic is teaching us, it’s that the most needed changes may come from the unlikeliest leaders. I love what author and entrepreneurial intelligence coach Amy Wilkinson has to say about this — specifically middle managers’ ability to shine right now. On a different scale, Salesforce customer and cult-followed grocer H-E-B provides a model for its industry. Due to expert planning, they remain well-stocked while donating meals. Today brings more stories of improbable leaders:

Plus stories that show how tech can help us crush this virus:

I’ll leave you with mindfulness expert Trudy Goodman’s trick for reducing stress in 90 seconds. As always, if there’s anything you’d love to see from Salesforce right now, please email us.

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