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10 Up-and-Coming Instagram Accounts Small Businesses Need to Follow

10 Up-and-Coming Instagram Accounts Small Businesses Need to Follow

Here are 10 up-and-coming Instagram accounts that offer a welcome dose of energy, honesty, and inspiration for anyone in the #smallbiz community.

With all the places to find entrepreneurial inspiration these days, it’s easy to miss some of the best advice. That’s why it’s important to make sure your social feeds are on point when you’ve got a precious few minutes of spare time.

We’re here to help! Here are 10 up-and-coming Instagram accounts that offer a welcome dose of energy, honesty, and inspiration for anyone in the #smallbiz community. Take a look at these accounts where these guys, gals, and groups share their wisdom and success.


Why you should follow: Want to make your Instagram account shine? Just follow Your Social Team, which offers valuable tips and training on things like how to grow a follower list or create photo montages. Positivity is the name of their game — and with vibrant images that go along with each tidbit, it’s hard to be in a bad mood when looking through their feed.


Why you should follow: Founders of color is an online hub that connects minority entrepreneurs with business resources and opportunities. Their inclusive Insta feed shines a spotlight on some phenomenal #POC leaders through inspiring entrepreneurial quotes paired with stories, spotlights, and interviews. It’s a refreshing and necessary read.


Why you should follow: We all know social media can be a little too picture perfect at times, which is exactly why we love The Mission. Their Instagram feed uses videos, podcasts, and quotes to showcase small business leaders and entrepreneurs who are authentic, vulnerable, and willing to share their real-life stories and advice. Bonus for animal lovers: they also share pics of their #OfficeDog, Toasty.


Why you should follow: Sales teams, take note — The Pitch Queen is an expert sales strategist that offers an exceptional array of tips and advice to help build relationships and win more deals. What you’ll find: Empowering quotes, unique success stories, helpful workshops, and relevant podcasts. What you won’t find: Anything rah-rah or generic.


Why you should follow: Looking to make your mark in the #smallbiz world? Follow us over at Salesforce Essentials. It’s a space for small business owners of all industries to find advice, share goals and obstacles, and read other entrepreneurial stories and quotes. With the recent #FacesOfSmallBiz campaign, we’re sharing authentic pearls of wisdom from true SMB leaders.


Why you should follow: Not only is Ellevest on a mission to close the gender money gap and teach us to #InvestLikeAWoman but their Instagram page is an example of what every small business feed should look like. From short Q&A videos and fun GIFs to beautiful graphics, stats, spotlights, and more, Ellevest is killing the game when it comes to Insta.


Why you should follow: With its modern images of diverse people and cultures, TONL is taking stock photography from ho-hum to hot-damn. Follow along to view gorgeous images and culturally relevant stories, all in a welcome range of colors, backgrounds, and lifestyles. TONL’s feed also serves as an excellent reminder to ensure your own social feeds reflect real life.


Why you should follow: Calling all entrepreneurs (and those who want to be)! The SBA feed spotlights inspirational small business owners across the nation who are disrupting their industries and making changes — and the range of businesses they showcase is as diverse as the owners themselves. Success, positivity, and gorgeous images … What’s not to like?


Why you should follow: David Cancel is the co-Founder and CEO of Drift, not to mention an author, a podcast host, and a marketing expert. His feed features images and thoughts from his authentic self, a rare and welcome find on Instagram. He shares book recommendations for fellow leaders, business insights from his podcast, and bold quotes encouraging fellow entrepreneurs to take chances and focus on success.


Why you should follow: You may not think of Arianna Huffington as up-and-coming, but the media mogul has reinvented herself to address a new topic: burnout. As a founder and CEO, Huffington understands the pressures and stress entrepreneurs and small business owners face daily. Her Insta feed is filled with tips and tricks to put your well-being first but still helps your business thrive.

Salesforce Essentials helps you find more customers, win their business, and keep them happy so you can grow faster than ever. Learn more about our small business CRM solutions and follow us on TwitterLinkedIn, and Instagram.

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