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How to Build a Content Marketing Powerhouse With AI

How to Build a Content Marketing Powerhouse With AI

Any successful modern content marketing powerhouse must begin with a robust strategy that leverages the power and potential of AI. Here's how to build one.

We see thousands of advertisements every day. It’s become necessary to present your customers with the information they care about and help them learn about your product along the way. To cut through the noise and offer something of real value, marketers now use content marketing.

Educational and entertaining content that is timely and relevant helps your brand stay top-of-mind with customers. If the content is gated, customers may even share their information with you in order to access it.

It can be a huge undertaking to develop a content library, let alone promote and distribute content to multiple audiences. You can make this process easier through artificial intelligence (AI), which can help you build a content marketing powerhouse through smart distribution and promotion of content.

Why AI?

AI gives businesses a deeper understanding of their customers. The technology can help you design tools that deliver the right content to the right audience at the right time. AI tools can continuously learn customer preferences and use this information to bring personalized customer experiences to a whole new level.

The goal of using AI is to scale user engagement with content over time. However, delivering the right message to the right person at the right time creates an immense amount of pressure. Most tools for marketing operations offer little room for automation, and technology overhead can often negate the efficiency gains offered.

88% of successful content marketers put audience needs above anything else. That’s where success lies” #CMWorld2019 | @Robert_Rose

That’s why it’s important to think about AI on a holistic level. Businesses need to understand how AI can impact your teams across entire organizations, and how it may impact customers. By integrating strategy and delivery with AI across the entire content marketing supply chain, you’ll be able to create a content marketing powerhouse.

The sum is more than its parts

When crafting your content strategy, it’s important to create a foundation that accounts for the real potential of AI and allows room for future growth and changes. This way, as your content marketing evolves, you’ll be able to support it with effective AI technology.

It all comes down to centralization, consistency, and organization.

By centralizing your strategy, you can clarify everyone’s understanding of content production across your organization. You’ll know what’s going on across functions and departments, then connect the dots so the right resources and AI technology go toward the right projects.

Through consistency, you can maximize efficiency. You can save time and effort by ensuring that the AI processes you design is repeatable and applicable for multiple campaigns, audiences, and content types. Consistency also allows your team to focus on higher-level tasks like strategic content creation.

The right kind of organizational strategy is also key to success with AI. Be sure to organize your teams around tasks, not functions. A task-oriented strategy allows your processes to operate with more consistency, maximizing productivity and scalability.

There’s more to content than meets the eye

As you build your content marketing powerhouse, there are a few things to consider before you begin generating content.

Whenever you create new content, ask these five questions:

  1. What action do you want the customer to take?
  2. What is the intent of the content you’re creating?
  3. Is your content plan data-centric, objective-driven, measurable, and process-oriented?
  4. What’s the aim of your message?
  5. How will your content be distributed?

With this strategy, you ensure that content is always relevant and useful for your audience. Try to avoid creating content just for content’s sake. You should always have a reason for everything you make.

Once you have defined a content strategy, identify points in your content marketing supply chain that may benefit from the power of AI.

Consider how the following marketing functions could be assumed by AI:

  • SEO and data processing
  • Multichannel publishing
  • Multichannel delivery
  • Personalization
  • Automation

By delegating these processes to AI, you can free up valuable bandwidth on your marketing team and ensure that highly technical tasks are always supported by full AI-based data analysis. When integrated with your CRM, AI can easily extract data insights and customer information to deliver the right content to the right audience at the right time.

Any successful modern content marketing powerhouse must begin with a robust content strategy that leverages the power and potential of AI. If you follow these steps, you’ll be well on your way to building one.

Explore the future of content marketing in an AI-first world in our upcoming webinar featuring Robert Rose from the Content Marketing Institute and our very own Peter Krmpotic from the Einstein product team.

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