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Why Video Is Your Customer Service Secret Weapon

Why Video Is Your Customer Service Secret Weapon

When your customers aren’t actively engaging with you to buy something, what are they doing? Though the answers will always vary, “watching a video” is probably one of the safest bets you can make. During their work day, for example, customers may be connecting to other members of their team via

When your customers aren’t actively engaging with you to buy something, what are they doing? Though the answers will always vary, “watching a video” is probably one of the safest bets you can make.

During their work day, for example, customers may be connecting to other members of their team via videoconference, or staying on top of the latest trends by attending a virtual event.

After hours, they might be watching a video that shows them how to cook a meal they’ve never prepared before, or bingeing a new series on their favourite streaming service.

Video is everywhere, in other words, which makes it a great medium for you to consider when you’re a small or medium-sized business trying to scale your customer service strategy.

The tipping point where video-based customer service makes sense

The more customers start buying your products and services, the more your service strategy will need to evolve in order to keep up.

Many SMBs start off with a very “high touch” approach to service, where they spend a lot of time and attention on every single customer. That becomes harder to sustain as your business grows, because you only have a finite number of hours and other resources to deliver that kind of high-touch service.

This doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice the quality of the service experience you offer, though. While you should aim to provide help and assistance through a variety of channels, video can allow you to approach customers in a highly accessible, engaging way.

Sometimes people hear the word video and think “complex” or “expensive.” As we’ve seen through the rise of video-based content on social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok, however, a lot of the most watchable clips are simple and home-produced.

Still unsure? Here are some more concrete reasons you should get behind — and in front of — the camera to enhance your service strategy:

1. You can make sure the post-sale experience gets off to a great start

Even if you’re selling to customers in a physical location, you won’t be there when they take a product back to home or their workplace to use it. That’s when many of the most vexing issues emerge, however.

Sometimes customers struggle to set up the product. In other cases they might run into confusion when they need to try a specific feature. In the worst-case scenarios, the product malfunctions completely at the moment a customer needs it most.

Video offers a way to avoid these pitfalls by allowing you to walk through the best practices of using your products. Rather than expect them to wade through a lengthy owner’s manual or instruction sheet, for instance, you can create tutorial-style clips that show them the steps they need to take for the most common uses of your products.

2. You can coach customers into becoming self-service stars

Even if customers get up and running with their products quickly, they can encounter other difficulties later on. They might want to connect one product with another, for instance, or they’ve been using the product for a long period and a part suddenly needs to be replaced.

Customers don’t love having to bring products back to the company to be repaired. What they do love is being able to fix their products themselves. One caveat: self-service is not appealing if it means clicking endlessly through your website in search of the necessary information.

Think of creating a video library of self-help videos instead. These clips may vary in length depending on what you’re helping them do, but you can group them into series based on frequently asked questions or common pain points.

Besides the fact that they’re always available on demand (as opposed to waiting for you to help them), videos like these allow customers to fast-forward through parts they don’t need, or pause when they need to spend extra time on a step.

3. You can talk live at any time, from anywhere, whenever customers need you

“Being there” for customers doesn’t always have to mean being in the same room with them.

As we’ve all learned by now, videoconferencing technology has matured to a point where it’s just as easy as making a traditional phone call. You get all the benefits of instant communication but with the added advantage of face-to-face interaction.

This can be particularly important for service situations that require you to demonstrate empathy with your customers, or to allow them to ask open-ended questions.

You may only use live video for specific service issues, such as when an urgent problem needs to be escalated. When you do, many of the platforms you’ll use might include a chat function where you can provide helpful links, or where the customer can share their screen to show you the specifics of the problem they’re facing.

A few final video tips

Don’t worry if you haven’t made many videos before. Customers aren’t necessarily expecting the production values you’d see in the average movie or TV show.

What’s often most important — and overlooked — is the quality of your audio. People might forgive a shot that’s blurry, but if they can’t hear what you’re saying they’ll quickly tune out. Also think about including captions to make sure your video will be accessible to everyone.

Videos should also be quick and to the point. If you decide not to split up clips into a series, at least think about creating an “agenda” slide that indicates when you’ll discuss specific support issues, perhaps including the time stamp so they can fast-forward them as needed.

Videos will also be viewed much more often if they’re labeled and described correctly. Think of titles based on common customer questions or complaints. In the description field, explain other ways they can reach out for help if they still don’t understand what to do by the time the video ends.

A lot of the videos you’ll use in customer service could be filmed in a single take, which reduces the time for editing. And of course, live video requires no editing at all. However you approach them, bear in mind that a video is just another means to the same end — making customers glad they chose to do business with you.

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