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Make Social Measurable: Best Practices and Metrics to Grow and Succeed

Make Social Measurable: Best Practices and Metrics to Grow and Succeed

Social media is just one piece of the pie. If you don't measure your efforts, it's nearly impossible to learn and grow. Here are best practices to choose the best metrics and define ROI.

Managing a business’s social media presence is easier said than done. Like all aspects of business, your time and efforts on social media need to be measured in order to build on your successes, learn from your mistakes, and spend your time and money wisely.

Social media marketing is similar to traditional marketing in that it requires a goal. Why is your company on those sites? However many reasons you have, your objectives need to align with your metrics. Use the SMART methodology to set your goals for your campaigns, then track, measure, analyze, and make changes to your strategy as you see fit.

You have a few metrics to consider when determining your campaign’s success. When it comes to analyzing the data from your posts, tweets, and chats, you need to be able to interpret data from each social media network. To measure your social successes and flops, and make each social media site easier to analyze, consider using third-party resources. For example, Salesforce’s Marketing Cloud has its own social media-monitoring platform called Social Studio, which analyzes conversations from over 650 million different sources across the globe.

Powerful third-party tools like Social Studio will help you plan, execute, and track compelling social media marketing campaigns. While it doesn’t take an expert to successfully use social media for helping a business grow, it certainly takes time, effort, and the right tools to make social media work for your business.

Do you know the 4 steps to great social media strategy? Get the ebook.

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