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Salesforce Canada

“Where did the morning go?” you might ask just before lunch, when it seems like you’ve done nothing but answer email messages. “Is it that time already?” you think to yourself as another meeting is about to start, leaving you with no time to finish whatever task you had just started. “I guess

You might have already recognized some of the reasons to have a frequently-asked questions (FAQ) page on your website, but this is probably the biggest one: The most frequently-asked questions often go unasked. When customers arrive on your site — whether through a link on social media or from the

Put the words “how to” next to almost any word or term in a search engine and you’ll likely see the same kinds of results — including the kind you’re most likely to click on. There will probably be a blog post or two, for example, that outline how to do something in deep detail. You might also see

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