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Salesforce Canada

All leads are gold to the sales team, but some need a little polish before you can tell how much they shine. There might be some leads, for example, that lead to a big sale with a customer who goes on to give you ongoing business. Then there are the . . . other leads. You know: the leads that turn

It’s okay if you don’t have a lot of experience using hashtags to increase your email signups. We’re here to offer a #protip or two. Just putting a phrase like “pro tip” together and preceding it with that little symbol will create an entirely different experience on platforms like Twitter,

Startups have the advantage of offering a completely clean slate to their first customers in terms of a service experience. A larger organization might already have a reputation for keeping people on hold when they call in. Companies that have been around for a long time might still be struggling

“Hi [NAME], I see we share some of the same connections and I was hoping we could schedule a call to discuss your business needs in 2021!” People send cold messages through LinkedIn Inmail like this all the time, but that doesn’t mean it’s a best practice for startups who really want to grow their

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