Salesforce Canada

The longer you run a small or medium-sized business, the more you get familiar with the rules: The customer is always right. You should always offer a great experience, not just products and services. Data drives the best decisions. While you’re following those rules, however, there are machines
When an in-person meeting is going well, you can almost feel the good vibes spreading across the boardroom. People are sitting up a little straighter in their swivel chairs. No one is hiding behind an open laptop. Everyone is making eye contact. They’re giving each other a chance to speak before
“Looks good to me.” Those are the words every marketer wants to hear when they ask others to review their content before it goes out into the world. No matter who says them, those words mean a marketer can focus their energies on launching a campaign, tracking the metrics and possibly get started
Even if you’re not sure you can win a race, you at least want to make it to the finish line. But what if you’re not sure where the finish line is, or which route is most likely to take you there? That image is a good analogy to what’s happened to businesses in Canada, and around the world, since
Selling is about appealing to the head while drawing upon the heart. You have to convince your customers to make a purchase based on rational arguments. No matter what facts and figures you pull together to make those arguments, however, they need to feel you believe them at your core. Though
You can’t keep a good small or medium-sized business down, even when there’s a global pandemic disrupting everyday life as we know it. Almost from the moment COVID-19 began, there were worries that temporary closures and enhanced safety protocols would significantly impact all but the largest and
When the going gets tough, Canada’s small businesses don’t just get going — they get more innovative, strategic and customer-focused than ever before. It takes resilience to be an entrepreneur in the best of times, and most of what we’ve experienced in 2020 wouldn’t fall into that category. It has
Canadian marketers were doing all the right things — adapting to digital channels, embracing data-driven thinking and reimagining customer experiences — and then the events of 2020 hit them. While the global pandemic brought many businesses to a temporary halt, the long-term effect has been to
This is the great paradox of working in sales: it’s one of the most sociable jobs in the world and also, occasionally, one of the loneliest. Sales reps often demonstrate outstanding interpersonal skills when they initially meet with a client, deliver a formal pitch and close deals, for example.