Salesforce Canada
The art of ‘conversational service’ is about having as natural and helpful a dialogue with customers as possible, but with everything in place behind the scenes to steer things to a successful outcome.
Explore 3 indicators that will allow you to develop a quick guide for identifying sales reps who have the potential to exceed their goals.
Email marketing best practices are always evolving, but there’s one that doesn’t change: always recognize customers have a choice to ignore what you’re sending, so make sure your use of Marketing Cloud gives them a reason to believe your message stands out amid all the distractions.
The fastest-growing companies treat their sales forecasting methods as an ongoing work-in-progress. The more you continue to refine it, the more accurate it will be — and the quicker your company will grow.
It will play out differently from one small or medium-sized business to another, but that moment — when spreadsheets fail to offer the benefits of full-fledged CRM solution — is inevitable. For some SMBs, for instance, there may come a time when critical information about a customer is needed to
Customer service and “customer experience management” may sound so similar they may seem like the same thing, but one really contributes to the other. When customers feel their needs have been satisfied, for example, that’s the perfect ending to a customer experience that began with learning
Ask the average consumer what “personalized” service means to them and they’ll probably describe a face-to-face encounter like this: I walked into my favourite store and the associate smiled at me and greeted me by name. Then they showed me a new item they said they knew I would love based on the
Closing a sale often means dealing with the nitty-gritty details, and from a customer’s point of view, that comes down to this: “Okay, tell me how much I need.” In theory that shouldn’t be hard to do, but success in B2B sales is predicated on offering something more customized than a consumer buyer
Ultimately, sales is a service business. Learn how your team can create a unified customer support system and deliver exceptional service.