Salesforce Canada
With AI, marketing will become less campaign-focused and more about behaving as though you’re working alongside customers every day and helping as needed.
If all you know about artificial intelligence (AI) comes from watching movies, the future of the sales department may look pretty frightening.
One of the best ways to build a name for yourself in virtually any industry is to become a regular presenter on the conference circuit.
Your time is valuable, and there are ways to maximize your efforts without draining your energy.
Your customer service team is on the front lines with customers and builds a large part of your customer experience. Empower them with the right technology and actively work to reduce their stress using these tips.
With a little preparation for the coming changes, you can keep up with highly-connected, creative, and hyper-personalized marketing strategies.
Using these advanced search strategies on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter will allow you to use these platforms even more effectively as part of your sales prospecting efforts.
Learn about 10 of the most common mistakes to avoid when trying to close the deal.
Discover some of the hidden—and highly useful—features available to you on Facebook, Google+, Twitter, and LinkedIn.