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Salesforce Canada

A few weeks ago, the Financial Post published a story that spoke directly to a potential threat facing many Canadian businesses. In “How to stay one step ahead of disruptors in the app economy,” the newspaper looked at how companies like Uber are competing with the taxi industry, and Airbnb is shaking up the hospitality sector. The Post suggested the stakes are high if Canadian firms don’t want to get left behind.

Amid the day-to-day challenges of running a company, like trying to grow sales and delivering customer service, it may be easy to forget how cloud-based customer relationship management (CRM) can help contribute to key business outcomes. In that sense, there’s no time like now to look at what the business community has learned about CRM and cloud computing, and then apply it to your organization. Think of it as a grown up version of practicing your A, B, Cs.

Three years ago, the federal government published a report called “The State of Entrepreneurship in Canada,” and while it showed a surge of people launching small businesses at the time, it also indirectly helped explain why customer relationship management (CRM) has become such a vital contributor to their success and survival in 2015.

There’s no question that Canada is producing a slew of startup success stories. Entrepreneurs here have created innovative products and services to revolutionize analytics, wearable computing and the way businesses use video, among many other examples. Yet there’s also no question that Canadian startups and entrepreneurs need to work to cultivate an environment for long-term growth.

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