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Salesforce Canada

We’ve all seen that look: the intense concentration over a smartphone screen, where a friend or coworker is so engaged they don’t even look up when someone asks them a question, or when they seem more interested in tapping away at their keypad than taking a break for lunch. That’s right: your

Photo by Glen Wright She takes full ownership for the mistake now, but there was a time not long ago when Karen Dillon, like so many of us, realized she wasn’t living up to the standards she had set for herself. Dillon is the co-author, along with James Allworth and business management guru

When I’m home, I like getting the mail. It’s a way for me to get up from what I’m doing, stretch my legs, and take a break. Like many, I flip through the magazines, mailers addressed to “Dear Occupant,” bills, and checks as I walk back to my desk. Do you know how many of those I recycle? 99% of

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