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With many of us spending more time on our smartphones than ever before, there’s no shortage of business cases a company could make for developing its own mobile app. Strangely enough, though, customer service is often not one of them. It’s not that companies are creating apps without thinking

A customer service rep shows up every day on time. They work steadily for their entire shift. They leave a clean workspace and complete any of the reports they were asked to file. Does any of this mean the rep is doing a great job — or simply what’s expected? Excellence in customer service takes

“Need help or support?” product brochures used to say. “We’re only a phone call away!” There are still plenty of numbers you can dial that will take you directly into a contact centre filled with expert agents who can solve customers’ biggest challenges. Increasingly, though, those companies are

In the early days of running a small or medium-sized business, your initial customers might be friends, acquaintances or even family members. Next will come the strangers — though hopefully they won’t remain strangers for long. The most successful SMBs learn to really know their customers, whether

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