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Put the words “how to” next to almost any word or term in a search engine and you’ll likely see the same kinds of results — including the kind you’re most likely to click on. There will probably be a blog post or two, for example, that outline how to do something in deep detail. You might also see

There isn’t a definitive number that qualifies a group of people as a “base” of customers, just as there’s no rule on how large the group has to become. The usual assumption about growing a company is that you want to amass as many customers as possible. The more infinite the addressable market

It’s old enough by now that it’s probably okay to start with this spoiler: in the classic movie The Wizard Of Oz, what appeared to be a great and all-powerful being is eventually revealed to be nothing more than a little old man behind a curtain. This was shocking because, until then, all anyone

Drip water into a glass long enough and you’ll see it change from empty to full. It may take a while, but it’s pretty easy to assess your progress along the way. CMOs may occasionally wish it were the same for drip campaigns, which theoretically should lead to a CRM full of leads for the sales

The people you enjoy spending time with the most probably have some exceptional character traits. These could include being energetic, fun, compassionate, thoughtful or even quirky. Your favourite brands often have those qualities too, but it's not always clear by the way they market themselves. A

It’s okay if you don’t have a lot of experience using hashtags to increase your email signups. We’re here to offer a #protip or two. Just putting a phrase like “pro tip” together and preceding it with that little symbol will create an entirely different experience on platforms like Twitter,

Everyone likes to feel like a winner — and if you work in marketing, you have a wonderful opportunity to let people actually become one. Besides sending out discount offers or running ads about special promotions, one of the most time-tested and effective ways to generateb interest among your

Canadian marketers were doing all the right things — adapting to digital channels, embracing data-driven thinking and reimagining customer experiences — and then the events of 2020 hit them. While the global pandemic brought many businesses to a temporary halt, the long-term effect has been to

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