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Even before you dim the lights or stand in front of the screen, you may notice your customer or prospect’s body language start to change once it’s time to walk through a slide presentation. Some people settle back in their chairs. Others may start casting furtive glances at their smartphones.

While many organizations are becoming more excited about the possibility of predictive sales, where intelligent software helps teams essentially see into the future of how customers will be spending their budget, prescriptive sales ensures the process of selling doesn’t break down along the way.

Sales professionals frequently have to creatively solve problems for their customers as part of closing a deal. These are just a few of the traits that sales coaches and their teams could cultivate - or rediscover - in themselves in order to optimize their performance.

The real art is not in the first follow-up - customers and prospects expect that. It’s that second follow-up - the one that happens when the salesperson doesn’t receive that initial reply and wants to keep their pipeline moving along.

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