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How mobile games are influencing business apps

How mobile games are influencing business apps

We’ve all seen that look: the intense concentration over a smartphone screen, where a friend or coworker is so engaged they don’t even look up when someone asks them a question, or when they seem more interested in tapping away at their keypad than taking a break for lunch. That’s right: your

The Essential Metrics High Achievers Overlook

The Essential Metrics High Achievers Overlook

Photo by Glen Wright She takes full ownership for the mistake now, but there was a time not long ago when Karen Dillon, like so many of us, realized she wasn’t living up to the standards she had set for herself. Dillon is the co-author, along with James Allworth and business management guru

Why Your Forecasts Stink

Why Your Forecasts Stink

Sales forecasting is an activity that consumes an enormous amount of management’s time, yet few organizations are happy with the accuracy of their collective forecasting efforts. So how is it that sales forces can expend so much effort on forecasting and still produce revenue predictions that

INFOGRAPHIC: Sales Lessons Learned From Golf

INFOGRAPHIC: Sales Lessons Learned From Golf

With the PGA championship in full "swing" this week, golf is certainly on the mind of a large part of the country. With today's short attention spans golf should have an uphill battle to hold our attention, but the sport is still keeping audiences riveted year after year. Golf is a

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