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Much like a sudden deluge of shoppers into a retail store or an unexpected spike in orders via an e-commerce site, there’s never enough time to prep for something like NRF 2020. Best known as “Retail’s Big Show” and produced by the National Retail Federation, NRF 2020 will attract nearly 40,000

At a time when we can store thousands of images on our smartphones and millions of records in a server, it’s kind of amazing that some of the most critical data about our professional lives still fits neatly on a small piece of cardboard. Long before digital communications tools like email and

Win an athletic competition like a race and you might get a trophy, cash, a paper certificate or simply bragging rights. All of these things represent a sort of prize, but they can make the experience of victory feel very different. This is not unlike achieving a “conversion" within a

When the printer breaks or the company website goes down, it’s time to get help from the IT department. Too often, however, the appreciation for the IT team stops there. Many company leaders have little or no idea what their IT department does, or, more importantly, what their information

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