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Twitter Tips to Turn into a Twitter Pro

Twitter Tips to Turn into a Twitter Pro

Twitter is a great tool for marketing, but are you getting the most out of your profile? This infographic will teach you key ways to optimize your Twitter profile (both for individuals and for brands), best practices for tweet structure, and how to increase engagement. And while Twitter isn’t

Twitter is a great tool for marketing, but are you getting the most out of your profile? This infographic will teach you key ways to optimize your Twitter profile (both for individuals and for brands), best practices for tweet structure, and how to increase engagement. And while Twitter isn’t rocket science, we’ve also included common Twitter mistakes to avoid and smart ways to improve your Twitter presence. By adopting some of these beginner tips for day-to-day Twitter usage, your business can increase followership and boost your online presence. Read on to make a difference in your Twitter marketing strategy.

  • Optimize Your Twitter Profile
    • For individuals use a close-up headshot as profile picture
    • For brands use a high-contrast brand image
    • For individuals show skills and uniqueness in twitter bio
    • For brands state your mission and don’t be afraid to show some personality
    • Use Twitter’s profile design dimensions:
      • Header photo = 1500 x 500 px
      • Profile pic = 400 x 400 px
    • Include your personal or URL in your Twitter bio
  • Structure Your Tweets
    • Use this tweet structure for more likes and clicks:
    • Keep tweets short, around 100 characters so followers can add their own take
    • Use content from a variety of sources to keep followers interested
    • Mix funny/interesting tweets in with business tweets
    • Stop Tweeting Headlines
      • Headlines seem boring and lack creativity
      • Put more effort into the description by:
        • Adding thought or opinion
        • Using quotes from the article
        • Asking questions
    • Use Images to Increase Retweets
      • Images result in a 35% bump in retweets
      • Use compelling and relevant images
      • What Gets a Retweet
        • Hashtag 16%
        • Digit 17%
        • Quote 19%
        • Video URL 28%
        • Photo URL 35%
    • Appeal to Human Behaviour
      • Phrase tweets to appeal to someone’s curiosity
      • Choose words that nudge a person’s desire for self-improvement
  • Increase Twitter Engagement
    • Engage with others. Use the favourite button as a “like”
    • Respond to questions people ask you
    • If someone regularly retweets/replies to you, return the favour
    • Tweet questions to encourage followers to interact
    • Use hashtags to make your tweets easy to find
    • Use lists grouped by industry or topic to follow people

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