Salesforce Webinars

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The Magic of a Moment: How to Create Personalized & Connected Experiences at Scale

Customers care about the experience. In Salesforce’s State of the Connected Customer Report, 88% of consumers surveyed say the experience a company provides is as important as its products or services.

But in today’s economic climate, delivering the connected, personalized experience they expect is challenging. Operating costs are increasing, cookie deprecation is looming, and direct marketing campaigns are losing effectiveness. Instead of resorting to more volume and deprecating the value of data, Personalization requires a ‘Full Funnel’ solution.

Join Brittany Houweling, Salesforce Marketing Cloud’s Director of Business Consulting, and Geet Dhillon, Enterprise Retail Solutions Engineer to discuss the latest retail personalization trends.

In this webinar, you will learn how:

  • Companies are “walking the talk” when it comes to personalization
  • Why individual moments of mutual value matter to enhance your overall customer experience
  • To design personalization solutions that are easy to adopt and deploy to realize business value quickly


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