Why Your Customers Deserve the Best Email Marketing Software

By Alexandra Tachalova

If you’re in the digital marketing industry, you generally have to do more with less. When it comes to email marketing, establishing a personal connection, providing relevant and helpful content, and complying with rules and regulations all make choosing an excellent email marketing software an important decision. 

The Radicati Group states that the number of worldwide email users is expected to surpass 4.3 billion by the end of 2023. Furthermore, brands with successful email marketing programs “report generating an average email marketing ROI of 42:1, while average email programs report an ROI of 37:1.” Email marketing is one of the prime ways to deliver a message, promote your services and products, and establish relationships with your clients. It provides companies with an excellent way to guide customers through the funnel and send them personalized marketing offers based on where they are in the buyer journey.

While some marketing strategies, platforms, and techniques come and go, email marketing has seen a lot of transformation — ever since the birth of the internet. For marketers, it is here to stay. It is an integral element to the overall internet user experience; after all, one can’t establish any form of an online presence without signing up using an email.

But enough with the numbers. Most marketers know that email marketing is mighty. Let’s figure out what’s in it for you. Keep reading to learn how the best email marketing software helps your customers feel more connected to your company, and why the investment is worth it to benefit your relationship with clients.

7 Benefits Email Marketing Brings to Your Customers

1. They get an instant notification about your new services or products.

Customers, especially early adopters, want to know about your new products, services, and feature updates as soon as they’re rolled out. This is especially true when your clients have previously bought similar products or were shopping for items that have been out of stock. This email campaign gives you a chance to let your customers know that what they were waiting for is now back on the shelves or available.

2. They’re reminded of why they like your company.

Also, one of the biggest advantages of email notifications is that they increase the lifetime value of your customers and bring your customers back to your site. For example, some ecommerce retailers send emails about products that customers added to their wish lists on the brand’s website. This email marketing technique helps to keep your brand top of mind.

3. The customer journey is smoother.

There’s a lot in it for a customer, too, because their experience with the company will be smoother. When a company invests in the best email marketing software, they help ensure customers won’t be bombarded with the same questions from different departments or poorly segmented email campaigns. Why? Because all of the information between your email marketing software and other business platforms, including your customer relationship management (CRM) platform, is synced. An advanced email marketing software can alert users when a client reaches out to support with product-related issues. Once a customer makes a purchase off the wish list, a new set of email drip campaigns can begin. This seamless integration between sales, marketing, and customer service is possible when you use a powerful, integrated platform for managing all your business needs.

4. Customers don’t have to search for your emails.

Powerful email marketing software helps you prevent your message from landing in spam folders. If you’re not careful, your email marketing software can be to blame for making your emails register as junk. Before you invest, peruse reviews of various software on sites such as Quora, Reddit, and G2, which named Salesforce’s Pardot marketing software an industry leader.

5. Double opt-ins keep your emails in inboxes and out of trouble.

If you’re looking to improve the overall performance of your email marketing communications, use a double opt-in. This confirmation method ensures that your list members are real people who are looking forward to your emails. Besides that, a double opt-in isn’t just nice to have in some countries — in the E.U. it’s a requirement regulated by GDPR. Across the pond in the U.S., there’s a similar law, CAN-SPAM. The CAN-SPAM act is a series of rules set forth to prevent anyone with an email inbox from receiving spam emails. Those rules involve providing a non-deceptive subject line, always including an easy method to unsubscribe, and also clearly displaying your company’s name and address in every email you send.

6. Help customers feel important.

The right software also gives you the power to personalize emails. Personalized emails generate higher transaction rates and increase click-through rates. Of course, there are other factors at play, such as list hygiene and proper segmentation, as well as making sure your email automation software is sending your emails correctly.

The best email marketing software helps your company send more targeted emails based on your user’s data. The more precisely you target your audience, the more satisfied those users will be. Thanks to the advantages of modern email marketing software, you can not only segment your audience based on their consumer data, but you can also track specific pages they’ve recently visited. For instance, top sites will send customers an email when a product they recently viewed is about to be out of stock or will no longer be sold at a discounted price. Such alerts allow businesses to sell more of their products by creating a sense of urgency in the selling situation and help customers keep an eye on the products they want most.

7. Collect their feedback and improve your business with customers in mind.

Email marketing allows you to solicit feedback with a personalized touch. You can tell which customer is a happy camper, and which is looking for more progress from your brand. After a round of improvements and updates, you can contact your customers directly to see if they liked the recent changes. 

With a leading email marketing platform, you can segment your list to get the audience you need and send them your survey. There are tools that collect various user data, including when a purchase was made. The beauty of this technology is that it allows you to set up an automated email that will be sent to a customer at a specific time in their customer journey asking them to review the purchase, your company, and other aspects of the experience. 

An alternative way of harvesting feedback can be arranged when you’re preparing to launch new products or services that are similar but not identical to your existing ones. Using the data with users’ purchase history, you can select a highly relevant group of prospects. Email them and ask about their experience with your brand, and whether your featured products are of any interest to this audience. Use the feedback to improve your launch, which can lead to more sales.

In Conclusion

The email marketing space has evolved immensely from the time the first email was sent. Today, powerful tools enable a modern marketer to craft state-of-the-art emails with ease. This shift makes it possible for marketers to have full access to the power of a business email. Build a robust email marketing strategy using a platform that helps you accomplish all your goals. It will be a long-term investment that brings you closer to your customers, yielding you fruitful results for many years to come.

About the author

Alexandra Tachalova has worked in digital marketing for over six years. She is a digital marketing consultant, helping digital businesses to open new markets and boost sales. Alexandra is a frequent speaker, and Founder of online digital marketing event DigitalOlympus.net.
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