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Self-Service Experience

Scale customer support with a self-service experience built directly into your CRM. Reduce costs and increase case deflection by helping customers find answers on their own. Drive proactive and personalized support from the self-service portal to the field with the power of AI and automation natively integrated with the Einstein 1 Platform. See how you can surface the most relevant information, provide recommended next steps, and give customers the tools to complete common tasks without the help of an agent.

What can you do with your new customer self-service software?

Reduce costs and improve operational efficiency while providing fast, personalized service customers love.

Connect customers to relevant answers fast.

Get started on your self-service experience by launching a branded help center using clicks, not code. Help customers find answers fast by embedding a strong knowledge base for the most commonly asked questions. Reduce the load of incoming cases on your support team and increase customer satisfaction by giving customers the information to resolve questions themselves.

A dashboard displays a Help Center FAQ page

Increase case deflection and deliver personalized support at scale with an authenticated portal. With the power of the platform, access trusted CRM data to create a catered support journey based on each customer's needs and previous actions. Surface relevant content, recommend business processes, and suggest next best steps to help customers resolve issues more efficiently.

A dashboard displays a Authenticated Portal with service options

Turn customers into trusted advisors by connecting them through a peer-to-peer forum—creating a vibrant community that keeps them coming back. Add Q&A, groups, and customer MVPs to keep community members engaged. Plus, offer a personalized feed to make it easy to collaborate, share common knowledge, and resolve questions together.

A dashboard displays community experts, featured articles, and top questions on a topic.
A dashboard displays a Help Center FAQ page
A dashboard displays a Authenticated Portal with service options
A dashboard displays community experts, featured articles, and top questions on a topic.

Personalize every customer interaction.

Deflect more cases with intelligent chatbots. In a few clicks, launch a multichannel, multilingual bot that integrates with your Salesforce data. Bots automate routine common requests, guide customers through next steps, and help sevice teams do more. Now you can easily customize bots to your specific business needs using Einstein Copilot prompts, Flows, and AI models.

A dashboard displays an Einstein Bots chat with options for bot assistance for various requests

Empower customers to find the best answers to commonly asked questions and solve issues themselves with knowledge articles. Seamlessly connect 3rd party knowledge resources into Salesforce with Unified Knowledge, to surface AI-generated content that helps them find answers faster. Help reduce the cognitive load on your customer support team—freeing their time to focus on critical cases.

A knowledge window with article recommendations for a customer request on product information

Help customers find answers fast by surfacing answers that are grounded in your knowledge base directly into your Help Center page or in a chat with an autonomous bot. Save agents time by autogenerating and sharing answers directly in their flow of work.

A dashboard displays Workflows portal and an email flow builder path
A dashboard displays an Einstein Bots chat with options for bot assistance for various requests
A knowledge window with article recommendations for a customer request on product information
A dashboard displays Workflows portal and an email flow builder path

Customize support across channels.

Quickly build and launch a branded self-service customer portal with prebuilt templates and easy-to-use, drag-and-drop functionality. Use Experience Builder to style your site, create and customize pages, and deliver a personalized experience to your customers. It’s the low-code way to get started and be up and running quickly.

A dashboard displaying easy-to-use tools to create a branded self-service customer portal

Launch dynamic experiences on both desktop and mobile — making self-service available from anywhere. Transform the portal into a pixel-perfect mobile application for both iOS and Android. Leverage features like notifications, persistent login, location, and more using clicks, not code. Mobile Publisher lets you easily maintain your app branding and get automatic updates to keep the app compliant.

A mobile display version of a branded customer portal

Improve the customer experience and drive more self-service by enabling customers to search for — and take action on — a wide range of services through your authenticated portal. Configure catalog items to collect the right info for faster processing through workflow automation, and empower admins to quickly expose new items to customers with just a few clicks.

A dashboard displays Service Catalog portal.
A dashboard displaying easy-to-use tools to create a branded self-service customer portal
A mobile display version of a branded customer portal
A dashboard displays Service Catalog portal.

Provide seamless customer experiences.

Enhance customer satisfaction with our self-service solution. Empower customers to effortlessly schedule appointments, receive real-time updates, and stay informed about their onsite visits — creating an experience that's more convenient and extremely efficient.

Appointment Assistant

Embed business processes easily across all channels to surface the most applicable information and help customers resolve requests on their own. Use workflows to automate both simple and complex tasks — from resetting a password to submitting a loan application. Workflows allows customers to seamlessly self-serve without the need to loop in an agent.


Build a path to service success. Speed up your time to value by using Service Cloud capabilities and implementing best practices to achieve your business goals.

My Service Journey in the Service Console.
Appointment Assistant
My Service Journey in the Service Console.

Get the most out of customer self service with thousands of partner apps and experts.

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GMS Development logo
pwc logo
ServiceMax logo
Solvvy logo

Join the #Serviceblazer movement.

Together, we're building the premier destination for service and field service professionals.

Learn more about Self-Service with free learning on Trailhead.

Customer self-service software FAQ.

Customer self-service software enables customers to access and complete various tasks or actions without the help of a support agent. Customers are empowered to find information, resolve issues, and complete transactions on their own time, through their preferred online or digital channels.

Customer self-service software helps businesses reduce costs, deflect cases, and exceed customer expectations. Self-service provides no-touch support at scale, empowering customers to find the answers they need fast. As a result, agents can be more productive and focus on complex cases.

First, evaluate your company’s needs and goals. Think about the challenges your end users experience and identify the features and functionality that will resolve those challenges and allow your business to deliver better overall support. Then, choose the software that will fulfill those demands.

Self-service benefits both businesses and customers. Customers have 24/7 access to resources, to help find answers at their convenience and improve their satisfaction. Businesses can reduce costs by offering a scalable support solution that empowers customers to help themselves on their own terms.

Online community management software provides groups with a way to connect with one another. These groups can be forums, social networks, customer communities, or any online space. Customers can use an online community to share information, discuss topics, ask questions, and provide answers.