Personalize service from anywhere for patients, members, and care teams.


Equip your team with 360-degree views to deliver personalized and collaborative experiences.


Free 30-Day Trial: Health Cloud for Emergency Response

Provide your team with manual contact tracing, patient monitoring, and automated follow-ups to rapidly respond to any healthcare emergency.


Take care of the person behind the patient.

Create personalized engagements that lead to better overall patient experiences — while improving health outcomes at the same time. Discover how Health Cloud seamlessly connects care teams on a single, secure platform to make every patient feel like family.


Build trust with every member.

Health Cloud enables a seamless experience across the entire member journey, from acquisition and onboarding, through engagement and retention. Deliver the kind of personalized service that builds member relationships for life.


Scale patient-centric experiences across your organization.

Acquire, support, and engage patients throughout their health journey with a streamlined engagement platform that connects people, data, and processes.

Medical Devices

Build transparency and predictability to achieve commercial excellence.

Achieve commercial excellence by connecting sales, business operations, and patient services teams with critical data and actionable insights.

Discover “360 Degrees of Healthcare.”

Learn how you can improve visibility into the entire health journey and engage patients, members, customers, and employees with personalized experiences.

Salesforce is named a leader in Healthcare CRM by KLAS, 2018, 2019, and 2020


Protect and secure patient data.

Learn how healthcare and life sciences companies can leverage Health Cloud and Salesforce Shield for compliance, governance, and PHI data protection.

Patient Engagement CRM Software

Patient engagement software from Salesforce builds on effective CRM features used by both B2C and B2B ecommerce businesses, adding secure communication, patient registration, scheduling, and reminders.

Salesforce Health Cloud also enables useful triggers and workflows that make important care information available to both patients and providers on any connected device. This level of access empowers patients to take ownership of their health goals and care plans.

With our Health Cloud CRM, you can unify patient data, facilitate communication across channels and devices, and ultimately enhance patient relationships. Help your patients gain personalized care faster through the secure, trusted platform.