Reaching the
summit of success

A trail map to our favorite Financial Services Cloud customer stories, videos, and testimonials

Be a Trailblazer.

The most admired financial services firms don’t follow the status quo. They lead. They innovate. They are trailblazers. At Salesforce, we're here to help everyone involved be their best – from CEOs and CFPs to advisors and their clients – with the world's #1 CRM, reimagined for financial services.

Be a Trailblazer.

The most admired financial services firms don’t follow the status quo. They lead. They innovate. They are trailblazers. At Salesforce, we're here to help everyone involved be their best – from CEOs and CFPs to advisors and their clients – with the world's #1 CRM, reimagined for financial services.

Follow this trail map
to the summit of success.

Meet three unique wealth management firms blazing trails in business growth, advisor productivity, and client satisfaction. And hear from the executives, directors, and advisors who are pushing the boundaries of what’s possible across the industry.

Trilogy Financial Perigon Wealth Management Portfolio Solutions

Perigon Wealth Management

Speed to Value for Client Satisfaction

Perigon Wealth Management is a trusted financial services firm that’s reshaping the investment and wealth advisory experience. But not long ago, Perigon was losing valuable time trying to reengineer its legacy platform to meet advisors’ changing needs. With a growing customer base and three siloed data systems, it had become increasingly difficult to link together valuable client information and extended relationship networks across an advisor’s book of business. Perigon needed a digital solution that spoke the industry’s language and brought speed to value to the forefront of business.

In the search for a long-term solution, Perigon teamed up with Salesforce to address the specific needs of today’s advisor, including new ways to drive business growth and elevate the value of client services. Armed with insights from the Perigon team, Salesforce built a CRM solution that modeled financial accounts, assets, liabilities, financial life goals, compliance, and so much more. This exciting platform, known as Financial Services Cloud, also surfaced client information across multiple systems, and eliminated cumbersome data-entry processes.

Financial Services Cloud is giving our teams more time to focus on our core value as a wealth management firm — building deeper relationships with our clients by helping them achieve their financial life goals.”

With Financial Services Cloud at their fingertips, Perigon advisors took full advantage of its time-saving benefits to deepen and grow their book of business. This was especially true with the Client Relationship Map — a feature that provides optics into key relationships across multiple households and business groups, so teams can quickly identify and capture valuable new client connections.

We worked with Salesforce from the very beginning to create Financial Services Cloud, and they really listened to the feedback of customers like us. It clearly helped make a great product that’s truly tailored to the needs of our industry and providing a real value to our team.”

After facing years of costly and frustrating IT customizations, Perigon finally has data that works. Advisors are more productive, more competitive, and more satisfied than ever with the level of personalized service they can offer clients. And that momentum shows no signs of slowing down. In fact, with three product releases each year, the Perigon team has continual access to the latest Financial Services Cloud innovations and features, empowering them to do seamlessly what they’ve always done best: enrich the life of each and every client.

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Trilogy Financial

Flexibility to Work the Way You Want

Trilogy Financial is a privately held financial planning firm that wanted smart and user-friendly technology to improve both the client and advisor experience. With roughly 200 employees across 11 office locations, Trilogy needed a technology solution that could meet the unique needs of different teams while serving up consistent client information whether at one’s desk or on the road.

The company had spent years customizing multiple CRM solutions that were, unfortunately, not delivering. The costly systems lacked the functionality needed to make advising decisions at speed and at scale. As a result, very few advisors used the dated technology, and pertinent client information ultimately became scattered across secondary tools and handwritten notes. It was clear that an increase in advisor adoption and a decrease in costs would be key to Trilogy’s growing success.

The defining moment came when the financial planning firm launched into the RIA side of the business. In order to provide holistic financial advice — from estate planning to investment decisions to taxes — smarter client insights and more effective collaboration tools were imperative. The Trilogy team turned to Salesforce for help.

Trilogy is seeing the immediate benefits of the Salesforce Platform, which has improved adoption, collaboration, and client relationships — as well as the long-term benefits from the flexibility to adapt and grow as our business and industry evolves.”

As the world’s #1 CRM solution reimagined for financial services, Financial Services Cloud not only met various needs across the organization — it provided Trilogy advisors with a comprehensive view of each and every client including financial accounts, held-away data, relationship networks, previous interactions, and financial life goals. It also was built for multiplatform integration, so teams could gain access to financial planning tools, esignature solutions, data aggregators, and more — all through a single pane of glass.

With client goal tracking and actionable tasks in Financial Services Cloud, we can make sure we’re having ongoing conversations with our clients at the right moments throughout their lifetime so they can transform goals into accomplishments.”

Since its implementation, Financial Services Cloud has given Trilogy teams the flexibility to work the way they want and the functionality to service clients better and faster. Advisors now have actionable, real-time data to help guide their clients toward their financial life goals. In fact, an independent research firm determined that Trilogy reached an ROI of 147% in just one year with Financial Services Cloud, but that’s just the beginning. Salesforce and Trilogy are working together to create an exceptional end-to-end client experience, ensuring the firm remains a force to be reckoned with in today’s competitive landscape.

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Portfolio Solutions

Technology to Plan for the Future

After Portfolio Solutions® extended its portfolio management offerings to include additional client services and financial planning, the team agreed that a premium technology solution would be instrumental in helping guide clients toward the summit of success. Previously, the firm was accustomed to viewing every client agreement as a separate household, making it difficult for advisors to map out critical relationships, leads, and opportunities, even in the case of family referrals.

Seeking smart ways to organically grow and differentiate themselves in an increasingly competitive marketplace, the forward thinkers at Portfolio Solutions® began transitioning their business model to be more client-centric. Already a Sales Cloud customer, Portfolio Solutions® again trusted in Salesforce to help them achieve their vision on a secure platform tailored to their industry. LiquidHub, a Salesforce implementation partner, was hired by Portfolio Solutions® to support the change and integrate existing solutions such as TimeTrade for appointment scheduling. Implemented initially for its relationship management capabilities, Financial Services Cloud quickly became the engine that powered the entire Portfolio Solutions® organization from sales to service to cross-functional collaboration.

Whether it’s cybersecurity or data security, around here we do a lot to protect our client data, and that’s something I’m always thinking about.”

As Portfolio Solutions® transformed into a digital-first business, ready to take on the future of financial services, data security became top of mind. But with Salesforce’s cutting-edge encryption software in place, company leaders could rest easier. Salesforce Shield for Financial Services Cloud is an extra layer of protection that also includes event monitoring and field audit trail. So instead of worrying as much about security, the focus remained on growing the firm’s digital capabilities.

We realized that Financial Services Cloud would be a key component to allow us to truly understand our clients and their relationships with other clients, and we had no way really to capture that before. To me, that was the key item that was going to be beneficial for us to move forward and plan for the future.”

There’s no doubt that the partnership between Portfolio Solutions® and Financial Services Cloud is helping the firm plan for the future and accomplish its roadmap for growth. And that roadmap is ambitious, to say the least, as company leaders see Portfolio Solutions® growing as a digital firm well beyond the $1.5 billion* they currently manage. Taking into consideration the extraordinary gains they’ve already made, the future for Portfolio Solutions® — and its clients — just keeps getting brighter.

*As of July 18, 2017

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