Salesforce Express Connect

Get a faster, more reliable connection to your Salesforce data and services.

Get more cost-effective connectivity with higher throughput and lower latency by using Salesforce Express Connect (SEC). Thanks to our partnerships with multiple global telecom service providers, you can boost performance, increase application reliability, as well as meet industry regulatory and compliance demands by establishing a direct, private connection from your data center to the Salesforce infrastructure.

Learn 4 ways Salesforce Express Connect can improve your network.


Boost network performance.

Deliver predictable, reliable network performance with a dedicated connection that boosts capacity.

Easily manage your connectivity.

Simplify network management for real-time connectivity monitoring from end-to-end.

Expand your infrastructure options.

Choose from an array of global partners, pricing, capacity, and SLA options to meet your dynamic network needs.

Increase network reliability.

Remove those unpredictable public Internet bottlenecks from your mission-critical applications.

Meet the Salesforce Express Connect partner network.

These Salesforce Express Connect partners can quickly establish network connectivity between your locations and the Salesforce platform.