Our Commitment

Salesforce believes that business can be the greatest platform for change. This includes a commitment to respecting and promoting all human rights. Although governments will always play a primary role in determining and protecting basic human rights in their jurisdiction, the private sector must also lead in this area by upholding and promoting all human rights.

Our company valuesopens in a new window embody a long-standing respect for the fundamental protection of human rights, consistent with the Universal Declaration of Human Rightsopens in a new window as a global standard. Salesforce also supports the United Nations Global Compactopens in a new window, a voluntary corporate sustainability initiative with 10 principles that foster responsible business practices to advance societal goals. The 10 universal principles of the UN Global Compact are consistent with Salesforce values, culture and day-to-day operations.

We actively seek to honor the principles of internationally recognized human rights. Salesforce is committed to working with all stakeholders — including governments, industry, consumers, civil society, shareholders, and our customers — to promote human rights and avoid human rights abuses. We seek to improve our community and our company through our own Compliance efforts, our Office of Humane and Ethical Use, and our dedication to improving societal equity through philanthropic grants, volunteer hours, and innovation.

To learn more about our efforts, please see our Stakeholder Impact Reportopens in a new window.

Our programs

Salesforce recognizes that privacy is a fundamental human right and integral to trusted relationships between organizations and their stakeholders. Salesforce has five privacy principles that highlight our commitments and focus on trust with our customers, employees, and everyone in the Salesforce ecosystem: customer control, security, transparency, compliance and partnership.

Using these principles, Salesforce has developed, and will continue to refine a comprehensive privacy program that accounts for the ever-evolving landscape of global data protection laws. But we do not stop there. We also go to great lengths to educate our customers regarding how they can use our products responsibly. While some companies view privacy as a burden, we look at it as a strategic enabler of innovation and, ultimately, an opportunity to educate consumers about how their data is being used and how it is being protected.

To learn more, please visit our Privacy page.

We believe we have a broader responsibility to the world in which we live and work. We are committed to driving equality for all our stakeholders — our employees, customers, partners, suppliers, local communities, and society at large. We’re committed to building a more diverse and inclusive global workforce prepared with the skills to thrive in the 21st century, beginning in our own offices and communities. We do this through:

- increasing representation — we strive to make our workplaces increasingly reflect society
- creating opportunity — we believe everyone should have an equal opportunity to succeed
- empowering allyship — we can all help build a more equal world

To learn more, please visit the Office of Equality page.

Climate change is one of the most pressing issues humanity has ever faced. It impacts every individual, company, city, and nation. The costs weigh heaviest on the world’s most vulnerable communities, amplifying global inequality. We must keep global mean temperatures from rising no more than 1.5 degrees Celsius to avoid the worst impacts of climate change, in line with the goals of the Paris Agreement. To that end, Salesforce has set an approved 1.5 degree Science Based Target, we are Net Zero emissions for operations globally, we deliver customers a carbon neutral cloud, and invest in nature-based solutions.

It’s no longer enough for Salesforce or any other company to only think about its own footprint. Only through catalyzing global systemic change can we hope to reach a 1.5 degree Celsius future. Salesforce is committed to advocating for clear and consistent science-based climate policies that facilitate a just and equitable global transition to a 1.5 degrees Celsius future.

To learn more about our environmental initiatives, visit our Sustainability page.

We affirm the principle of equal employment in our community and by extension, our hiring and recruitment. We prohibit discrimination in hiring and employment practices on the grounds of race, color, religion, sex, national origin or ancestry, age, medical condition or disability, veteran status, marital status, pregnancy, sexual orientation, transgender status, gender identity or expression, socioeconomic background, and political beliefs. All forms of violence, harassment, and bullying in the workplace — including verbal, physical, sexual, or psychological abuse — are prohibited. All employees are protected from retaliation for complaining about or participating in an investigation of workplace conditions or discriminatory behavior or treatment.

To learn more about our workforce practices, please see our Code of Conduct.

Salesforce is committed to providing a healthy and safe work environment to our employees, contractors, and visitors. We achieve this goal through the implementation of our health and safety management system, which ensures open communication, proactive identification and management of health and safety risks, and compliance with applicable laws and regulations. We commit to prevent incidents and continually improve by setting health and safety performance targets and program improvement objectives. We monitor our performance through data driven metrics and measure management system conformance and legal compliance via regular audits.

To learn more about our health and safety program, please see our Health and Safety Policy.

We only use voluntary labor and oppose all forms of modern slavery. We do not use forced or involuntary labor of any type (for example, forced, bonded, indentured, or involuntary prison labor), and do not engage in or use any form of labor derived from human trafficking. This includes transporting, harboring, recruiting, transferring, or receiving any person by means of threat, force, coercion, abduction, or fraud for the purpose of exploitation. In keeping with international child labor standards, we do not employ child labor.

To learn more, please visit our Business Conduct Principles and our Compliance page.

We are committed to equal pay for equal work. We monitor our pay practices carefully and have systems in place to address unexplained differences in pay between men and women, as well as race and ethnicity in the United States. We fairly compensate our employees for the hours they work, allow sufficient rest and provide generous benefits that often go beyond statutory minimums. We offer all our employees opportunities to develop their skills and capabilities.

We respect the legal rights of our employees to associate freely, bargain collectively, join or not join trade unions, seek representation, and join workers’ councils in accordance with local laws, without fear of reprisal, intimidation, or retaliation.

To learn more, please visit our Business Conduct Principles.

Throughout our supply chain, we actively seek to work with suppliers that share and support our core values and operate with integrity, respect, and transparency. Our suppliers are a critical part of the Salesforce ecosystem. We encourage all of our suppliers to go beyond compliance to positively impact local communities, ecosystems, and the environment.

Please visit our Global Supplier Code of Conduct, which serves as a guide to ethical supplier conduct across our global supply chain, and our Supplier Information page for additional resources, such as our modern slavery statements.

Review, Reporting, and Grievance Process

If you believe that someone — whether an employee of a supplier or a Salesforce employee — is not meeting the standards in our human rights principles, you should report your concerns through our third-party-operated ethics reporting line available onlineopens in a new window or at 1-866-294-3540 (U.S.) or 1-503-726-2414 (internationally).