Consumer Goods

Optimize assortments and promotions in-store.

  • Grow revenue by expanding existing and opening up new partner channels.
  • Deliver higher margin segments through targeted personalization to land higher margin promotions.
  • Gain insights into shopper behavior to drive operational efficiency and better in-store experiences.

Data Sources Used

Trade Promotions
Loyalty Data
ERP & Product Catalog
Retail Point of Sale Data
Retail Execution

Apply Insights and Predictions

By bringing together the data sources referenced in this use case, teams can build calculated insights or run predictive models with Data Cloud that will allow them to make smarter decisions or power new automations.

Calculated Insights Inform your customer of overall consumer trends by providing access to sales performance data by region, trending product sales globally, or nationally.
Predictive Models Build a predictive model to determine Propensity to Buy for consumers so you can pair them with the highest margin promotions based on their likelihood to respond. Use these models to test - by region for example — and inform promotion planning and execution at a local store level.

What’s the impact?

Increase LTV
Improve Propensity to Buy Scores
Increase Engagement Scores
Improve NPS