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Life Sciences AI Use Cases you can start with today

On-Demand Webinar

In the era of artificial intelligence, every Life Sciences company is intensively involved in developing the right AI strategy. The focus is on integrating AI into the workflows of their commercial and medical staff on the one hand, and on positive effects in stakeholder interaction and patient outcomes on the other.

In this session, you will learn how Life Sciences companies

  • identify the most effective use cases for their business,
  • analyse their data basis in the right way and prepare it for AI use,
  • adapt their IT infrastructure for intelligent data usage and
  • optimise their customer interactions with generative AI.

We will also present the key highlights of Dreamforce, first and foremost the new Agentforce platform, and how humans with agents drive customer success together.

Please note: This session will be held in English.

Speaker: Demen Selcan, Senior Manager, Life Sciences Cloud Strategy and Solutions, Salesforce
Speaker: Marc Schöni, Global Lead Solution Engineer HLS, Salesforce

We look forward to your registration!

Your Salesforce Team


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