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Evaluating App Development Costs
With the Salesforce Platform, you can start building point-and-click custom apps with a mobile app development. Employees and customers will reap the productivity benefits of easy access, collaborating and connecting from anywhere, anytime.
Salesforce offers three mobile app development cost tiers. Employee Apps Starter lets you quickly develop apps for internal use across your business. Employee Apps Plus provides the additional horsepower of the Lightning platform. Heroku Enterprise Starter opens your apps to customers. With the Salesforce Platform, you will get all the possible customization, back-end connections, and integration options.
Companies of all sizes and types are realizing huge gains and savings with limited app development costs. Your business can too.
Salesforce offers three mobile app development cost tiers. Employee Apps Starter lets you quickly develop apps for internal use across your business. Employee Apps Plus provides the additional horsepower of the Lightning platform. Heroku Enterprise Starter opens your apps to customers. With the Salesforce Platform, you will get all the possible customization, back-end connections, and integration options.
Companies of all sizes and types are realizing huge gains and savings with limited app development costs. Your business can too.