The Intelligence Playbook for Communications Service Providers

Here’s how a smart data strategy, AI, and intelligent analytics help providers deliver fast, flexible, and frictionless customer experiences.


Communications service providers are facing the ultimate paradox: Connecting with customers in real time and creating unified customer journeys are among their top priorities and their top challenges.

Why? Data silos were caused by mergers, acquisitions, and a culture that prioritized internal competition.The average organization now uses 976 different applications, and many of these systems are poorly connected. The same research shows that the resulting data silos are a barrier to creating integrated user experiences for 90% of organizations. Two-thirds (66%) of IT leaders believe data or systems integration projects take too long, and 69% of them say they are too expensive.

This is a hurdle providers must overcome because accessing locked-away data is the key to delivering the convenient, consistent, and customized experiences that customers expect. In fact, those that pivot to a customer-centric, data-driven approach can perform better on key business metrics like revenue growth, customer retention, and profitability.

How can communications service providers build a cohesive data strategy that unites the organization and is the foundation of a trusted AI strategy, anticipates customer needs, and keeps them one step ahead of the competition? This playbook has everything you need to unlock, understand, and act on your data.


Get the Intelligence Playbook

Find out how providers can deliver customer excellence with:

  • Connected data that streamline interactions and boost operational efficiency
  • Data visualization tools that surface customer trends and insights
  • Predictive analytics that empower sales and customer service teams

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