
Trusted AI for Energy & Utilities

Energy & Utilities AI offers the essential building blocks for energy retailers, service providers & utilities to deploy trusted AI solutions powered by your data, personalized for your customers.

With a Data Cloud foundation for Energy & Utilities Cloud, customers can ground their prompts in the relevant business context. Adding AI right in the flow of work empowers businesses to get work done faster.

The AI opportunity for Energy & Utilities

Today’s energy & utility organizations are looking to maximize operational effiency, revenue and sustainability. AI promises to solve these challenges.

63 %
of Energy & Utility leaders expect to realize major value from Gen AI & automation in next 3yrs. Source: IBM Global AI Adoption Index 2023
Source: IBM Global AI Adoption Index 2023
38 %
of utility working hours can be either automated or augmented by Gen AI
Source: Accenture, Tech Vision 2024: Utilities Industry Perspective
25 %
increased productivity in financial services using increase Generative AI.
Source: Accenture, Tech Vision 2024: Utilities Industry Perspective