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5 Ways to Use AI-Generated Content in Your Marketing Strategy

Five Easy Ways to Use AI-Generated Content in Your Marketing Strategy

Want to simplify your content output or quickly test marketing messages? Here are five ways AI-generated content can help.

You’ll have no doubt come across AI-generated marketing content. It is now commonplace in newsletters, tweets, and social feeds. What you might not have noticed was that it’s AI-generated marketing content.

Thanks to advanced algorithms and greater access to data, the quality of AI-generated content has come on hugely in the past year. As the algorithms find more content to feed on, expect the pace of improvement to speed up even further in the coming 12 months. We know generative AI apps have gone from zero to 100 million users in two months.

While AI-generated content has its benefits, trust remains a concern that can’t be overlooked. There’s a risk of plagiarism — can you be sure your content is exclusively yours? The quality isn’t always flawless, and it can often require editing by a (skilled) human. Search engines are working to downgrade exclusively AI-generated content. AI can provide speed but don’t fall into the trap of sending out rushed content without proper review.

There are, however, several areas in which AI can undoubtedly help. AI is good for SEO-optimising content, keeping you on track with the latest search trends. If you can use it correctly, there are clear benefits in terms of content turnaround times and cost. It’s unlikely you’ll do away with writers, editors, photographers, or graphic designers. But AI can relieve some of the burden on your content teams — leaving them free to focus on more hand-crafted projects.

Here are five areas where AI-generated content can boost your marketing strategy efforts with efficient, personalised communications.

1. Reinforcing an SEO-friendly tone of voice

AI is highly useful in strengthening the SEO qualities of your outgoing content. You can instruct AI to sprinkle your content with your preferred SEO terms or scour online guidance to keep you up to date with the latest SEO trends. AI can do all this while meeting your brand’s specific tone of voice.

It’s here that AI works best. AI as a first-line spell- or grammar check is now well established. You can now instruct AI to stick to your brand voice — companies as singular, quotes in the past tense, active voices, job titles in capitals, and it won’t go wrong. You can update your brand style guide and use AI to retroactively ‘fix’ older content. You might still need a human to check for sense, but AI can ensure your content is structurally sound and SEO-optimised.

2. Keeping AI-generated content short, sweet, and purposeful

There have been attempts to use generative AI to create long-form content – books, whitepapers, essays. It’s fair to say the results haven’t been great. Yes, AI can quickly knock out 10,000 words, but good luck to the reader trying to wade through it.

For now, AI works best on short-form content. This includes writing subject lines for email newsletters, providing precise product descriptions, composing tweets leading to more detailed content, and personalising blog posts. Again, AI can help create structurally sound, purposeful content: fewer errors, greater consistency.

Here, it’s critical that you manage the data sources feeding your use of AI. In effect, AI is the tip of the spear. Tableau can drive real-time access to all your customer data, powerful analytics, and automation across your business to make AI work for you. 

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3. Using AI-generated content to brainstorm ideas

Try thinking of generative AI as less of an affordable freelancer, and more of an editorial buddy. AI can be great as a sounding board for content ideas. In a hybrid work setup, content creators often work independently, resulting in fewer chances for collaboration and idea sharing. AI can help suggest a story angle or check if an idea has been done to death. Even better, there’s no ego involved.

Specifically, AI is a great tool for A/B testing different content options. For example, you can use AI to check the effectiveness of newsletter subject lines, the layout of a landing page, or the best time to post on socials. The ideas might come from humans, but testing, data, and analytics will be taken care of by AI.

4. Improving the user experience with personalised, predictive communications

We know that 68% of marketers say they can analyse marketing performance in real time and that AI can help assess the potential of sales leads. AI can quickly analyse customer data to create a personalised content journey. It can point users toward content on their favourite products, or hide the non-relevant stuff. 

As mentioned above, AI tools can create various versions of headlines, and test their impact on individuals or specific audience segments. You can then use this feedback to create new and engaging content. Salesforce Einstein can improve productivity and personalisation with predictive and generative AI across the Customer 360. The result is a more engaging experience for content consumers.

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5. Creating a unique visual identity for your brand

Stock photography has come a long way, and the options are huge, but it remains simple to spot and does little to create a point of difference for your brand. More and more AI tools can now assist in creating a distinct visual identity with just a few prompts regarding style and content. It’s worth playing around with a couple of options and assessing the results.

You can use AI tools to enhance speed, efficiency, consistency, and quality in each of the five mentioned areas. Rest assured, more will be coming.

We know marketers want to experiment with new tactics, and that they’re desperate to make the available tools work for them. Ignoring AI isn’t an option. Or, we can compare those who use AI tools to those who prefer typewriters over Microsoft Word. Best to leap in and see how AI can work for you. It might be that any savings made in time and cost can be redirected to content that could only be generated by humans: beautiful portrait photography, expert opinion pieces, or live webcasting from an industry event.

It’s best to think of AI not as a killer of jobs but as a toolbox of productivity aids. And something which can only add to the human experience.

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