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How to Democratise Data and Accelerate Business Intelligence

Democratise Data and Accelerate Business Intelligence with a Single Source of Truth

What does becoming a data-driven organisation involve? Well, it isn’t just about gathering more data. Learn more in this blog here.

What does becoming a data-driven organisation involve? Well, it isn’t just about gathering more data. It’s about creating a data-driven culture where data becomes integral to every decision, department, and process. But, within many organisations, data is often locked away in silos, limiting access to the wider business.

We’ve discovered that the ideal data foundation delivers intelligent, actionable insights to employees on the front line, as well as key decision-makers. When everyone in an organisation can access the right data at the right time, customer experiences improve, employee collaboration grows, and partners are positioned for success.

How can a democratised data strategy benefit businesses?

Firstly, it empowers individuals across the business to use data to make informed decisions, providing employees with varying expertise and skills to access and activate data to gain new business insights. A robust data strategy will also expand your employees’ data knowledge and capabilities, creating a data-driven culture and a more strategic mindset. And by removing barriers to crucial information, it will help promote a more agile environment and thereby increase productivity. Different business functions and regions also benefit from greater knowledge sharing and collaboration.

Is true data democracy achievable?

Accenture’s recent study on data literacy reveals that only 25 percent of employees feel fully prepared to use data. So for businesses to enact an effective, democratic approach to data, ease of use is essential. The Salesforce Tableau app embodies the belief that data needs to be incorporated into a workforce’s daily routine, and it’s designed to answer questions and solve problems. This can be achieved by establishing a single data set that everyone can access and work from, which focuses on the customer and delivers seamless, personalised experiences.

Greater access and results for Co-op

In 2015, Co-op wanted to transform the processes and platforms used and create a single customer service operation to provide a more joined-up experience. To achieve this, Co-op integrated Salesforce Service Cloud into the organisation. Now, more than 250 advisers use Salesforce to answer around three million queries a year. And the results have been impressive: they can now handle 30 percent more cases per hour and basket spend has increased by 6 percent.

Claire Carroll, Head of Customer Services at Co-op, explains: “With Salesforce, we can provide quicker and better resolutions. We’ve turned the concept of a contact centre on its head; our advisers don’t just answer queries, they spot opportunities, they share insights, they build relationships. They have become the listening post for the business.”

Democratise your data with Salesforce

Salesforce is built on the premise that a single source of truth and intelligent workflows are crucial to empowering employees with the information needed to elevate customer experiences. Get in touch with us now to find out how the Salesforce Tableau app will help your business accelerate data analysis with shareable, actionable insights, as well as enable real-time, data-driven decisions that accelerate intelligence, drive growth, and build a truly data-driven organisation.

Intelligence Accelerated: Create the data strategy to grow

This guide will help you understand the steps to a data-driven culture that will empower everyone with insight.


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