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Five Reasons You Should Attend World Tour Essentials Johannesburg

Five Reasons You Should Attend World Tour Essentials Johannesburg
Whether you’re just starting your journey with Salesforce or want to see why CRM + AI + Data + Trust is such a powerful formula in 2024, World Tour Essential Johannesburg is the place to go. (Adobe Stock)

Learn how Salesforce World Tour Essentials Johannesburg can help you prepare your business for AI – and meet shifting customer trends.

2024 is a big year of change for customers in South Africa – and World Tour Essentials Johannesburg is all about how to stay ahead.

Our latest State of the Connected Customer report found that 64% of customers say their favourite brands are the ones that adapt to their changing needs and preferences. 

And 78% now say communicating honestly and transparently is what sets their favourite brands apart from the rest.

Not only that, but the use of ethical AI in South Africa presents a huge opportunity to provide more value to customers. 67% of South African customers already trust the extent to which companies use AI ethically.

Changing customer priorities means the golden opportunity for smart businesses is to provide new kinds of value.

Whether you’re just starting your journey with Salesforce or want to see why CRM + AI + Data + Trust is such a powerful formula in 2024, World Tour Essential Johannesburg is the place to go.

World Tour Essentials Johannesburg is the best way to learn about Salesforce.

Register now to get hands-on with products, chat with experts, and hear how your peers in South Africa are maximising their Salesforce investment.

What is Salesforce?

Salesforce helps companies find more prospects, close more deals, and wow customers with amazing service. 

If your company is struggling to harness the full power of customer data, it may be because your information is siloed or inaccessible. Our Customer Relationship Management (CRM) platform gives teams a centralised location to store, track, and manage customer information. 

And having it all stored in the cloud means teams can collaborate from anywhere with an internet connection.

We call it a 360 view. Everyone – including marketing, sales, commerce, service, and IT – now has a single shared view of their customers using AI and real-time, actionable data. 

No more silos. No more missed opportunities. 

Salesforce uses the powerful combination of CRM + AI + Data + Trust to deliver success for customers like you. 

Getting value from your customer data involves connecting data from different systems, harmonising it into something useful, and – most importantly – putting it to work for your customer. 

What can you do with Salesforce?

Find out this – and more – at World Tour Essentials Johannesburg, on Thursday, 6 June, 2024.

1. Get prepped for the future with the industry experts

This year’s World Tour Essentials Johannesburg packs a punch. A day full of practical learning and insightful sessions. And it all kicks off with our opening keynote. 

Here, you’ll gain valuable insights as Salesforce executives and local Trailblazers show you how to use CRM, AI, and data in your company. You’ll hear the latest announcements, see some visionary demos, and hear from familiar faces.

2. Get hands-on with Salesforce products

Dive into the practical side of Salesforce with live product demos and workshops across all clouds. 

You can speak directly with solution engineers and get a chance to learn about the latest innovations highlighted in product keynotes. 

This is your chance to see Salesforce technology in action and understand how it can be tailored to your business needs, and get the most out of your investment with Salesforce.

3. Access exclusive learning courses

Whether you’re a newcomer looking to understand the basics or a seasoned user wanting to deepen your expertise, the Trailhead Zone is your gateway to take things up a level. You can get started on your digital skills journey, tackle new courses, and chat with Salesforce experts. And if you want some inspiration, look no further than the Digital Skills breakout session.

These opportunities are designed to enhance your skills and show how Salesforce – along with our partner ecosystem – is shaping careers in South Africa.

4. Begin your journey to Trusted AI

The integration of AI into business processes is moving from nice-to-have to necessary-to-win. 

At World Tour Essentials Johannesburg, our breakout sessions will show you how you can use AI in the flow of business – whether that’s giving your marketing teams a faster way to scale content creation, or helping sales reps identify prospects with the highest propensity to buy. 

And then it’s time to get personal. Head to Einstein’s Laboratory to meet with our AI Labs team. They’ll give you a deeper dive into how you can harness the power of Einstein 1 to drive innovation and enhance decision-making.

5. Connect with local Trailblazers

Networking is at the heart of the Salesforce community. So you’ll get plenty of opportunities to meet with the local South African team, and exchange ideas with other Trailblazers. There’s even places to give back – so you can volunteer while you swap your Salesforce stories.

You’ll also hear inspiring success stories from local brands. These companies have transformed their operations using Salesforce – and have loads of insights, tips, and results to share. It’s a great opportunity to build connections that could lead to new opportunities and insights.

Don’t miss out!

Join us at the Kyalami Convention Centre on Thursday, 6 June, 2024, for a day of learning, innovation, and networking. Register now to secure your spot at World Tour Essentials Johannesburg and help your business thrive in the evolving digital landscape.

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