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From Apprentice to Expert – Anthony Quinn Shares his Experience on the Future Pathways Programme

Anthony Quinn describes himself as having always been the ‘go-to tech enthusiast’ in his family but the conventional routes to a career in tech did not appeal to his hands-on learning style. Enter the Salesforce Future Pathways apprenticeship programme.

Kickstarting Careers

Anthony joined Salesforce in 2021 as a Systems Security Apprentice, studying towards a Software Development Apprenticeship with apprenticeship provider, Fastrack into Information Technology.

For Anthony, his interest in the world of tech was always clear and doing an apprenticeship at Salesforce allowed him to pursue his passion without needing years of professional experience and a university degree.

“Individuals, for various reasons, may not succeed in traditional academic settings, and such hurdles shouldn’t impede access to careers in technology. Apprenticeships, like the one at Salesforce, opens doors for these individuals like me”.

The ability to blend practical work and academic learning suited Anthony’s dynamic learning style and the idea that success was attainable regardless of background is what solidified his decision to join Salesforce as a Systems Security apprentice.

Making a Real Impact

From projects like working on Slack bots, report automation, developer plugins and security controls, Anthony has worked on exciting innovations and added value to his teams and to customers.

“Slack bot was a project I got involved in one year into my apprenticeship. I worked with a Lead Engineer and we created this really cool solution that allowed other development teams here at Salesforce to gather information, point them towards relevant resources and resolve their issue – all automated! I learned a new language called Golang and to this day this solution is still answering questions in Slack saving my team and other team’s time everyday”

Salesforce apprentices have a beginners mindset and Anthony was no different. Throughout his apprenticeship, Anthony actively had the opportunity to pursue certifications beyond the curriculum such as obtaining CCNA certification within his first year and acquiring the CompTIA Security+ certification. Anthony was making a truly valuable contribution to his team’s success as an apprentice and rapidly went from a novice to a cybersecurity expert.

Anthony’s manager, Donal Sheehan, Senior Manager, Systems Security, says “Under the careful guidance of his coaches Anthony took full advantage of his apprenticeship by contributing to a wide range of projects. With curiosity, enthusiasm and hard work he has succeeded in taking control of his career and is by now, only months after being made full time, a true asset to the team.”

Accelerating Skills

The Future Pathways Apprenticeship programme aims to provide talent with the key technical and professional skills that they’ll need to excel in their future careers. “Through the apprenticeship program, I honed invaluable skills that significantly contribute to my success in my current role. Conducting demos and mentoring school students enhanced my communication skills, allowing me to articulate complex technical concepts with clarity and confidence, something I definitely didn’t have the most of when I started.” The combination of learning at college and practical application means that apprentices are at the forefront of industry advancements and innovation, Anthony was able to gain all of the core skills needed for a Salesforce developer – from Kubernetes and Terraform to Docker and Git.

Joining the Ohana

Apprentices truly become part of their teams and can dive into the Salesforce Ohana culture through volunteering, getting involved in Equality Groups and more.

“One standout memory from the apprenticeship program was our impactful beach cleanup event, uniting the Dublin Security teams. This collaborative effort extended to an exhilarating boat trip to an Irish coastal island, featuring hiking, learning about the island’s history, and encountering unexpected wild wallabies—an enchanting surprise in the Irish landscape. The day culminated in a memorable BBQ, drinks, and a few adventurous team members even braved a sea swim.”

Why Should you Consider a Future Pathways Apprenticeship?

Now an Associate DevOps Engineer, Anthony looks back on his experience as an apprentice with great memories.

“For those contemplating an apprenticeship at Salesforce, my advice is to ask yourself truthfully, ‘is this something you’re passionate about?’. If you’re truly passionate about the line of work, I think the learning is inevitable, and the progression will come. Do not worry about prior experience and skills. You will learn all of this, from some of the most knowledgable people in the field. You come with passion, and you’ll get out of it a career-defining opportunity. Showcase a willingness to learn, and emphasize your problem-solving skills. Salesforce values dedication and enthusiasm, so highlight your unique strengths. Approach the apprenticeship as a chance not just to learn but to actively contribute, and don’t shy away from showcasing your potential. It’s not just a job; it’s a transformative journey that can open doors to a fulfilling and dynamic career in the technology industry.“

If you’d like to learn more about Apprenticeships at Salesforce, join our Future Pathways Community here.

What is a Salesforce Apprenticeship?

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