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What’s the Revenue Impact of Using AI-Driven Marketing Strategies?

What's the Revenue Impact of Using AI-Driven Marketing Strategies?
If increasing your bottom line is on your boardroom agenda, you need to consider investing in AI-driven marketing strategies. (Adobe Stock)

Boosting revenue is the ultimate goal, and leveraging AI-driven marketing strategies is essential for success. Read on to learn how.

Maximising revenue is a primary goal for any business. Find out how AI-driven marketing strategies help to increase an organisation’s return on investment (ROI).

Generative AI is pushing the boundaries of what you can achieve in marketing and sales. And given the increasing complexity of work in today’s digital-first world, this time-saving technology is becoming an essential tool. 

That’s why 81% of executives feel the urgency to integrate generative AI into their organisations. And it’s no wonder when it’s estimated to unlock $4.4 trillion in global productivity over the coming years. Talk about making an impact…

So, if increasing your bottom line is on your boardroom agenda, you need to consider investing in AI-driven marketing strategies. Let’s see how.

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Driving sales and revenue with generative AI

Generative AI is revolutionising the way we do business, and at Salesforce, we fully grasp its immense potential. Our commissioned research reveals that, fuelled by the new wave of generative AI, Salesforce and our partner ecosystem are estimated to create a net gain between 2022 and 2028 of more than $2 trillion in business revenues and 11.6 million jobs globally. These staggering figures underscore just how powerful AI is, and why it should be considered when developing your business strategies.

But how exactly does having AI-driven marketing strategies help?

Creating content with generative AI

Generative AI is your key collaborator when it comes to creating content. It can be a great sounding board to help brainstorm ideas and rapidly create keyword-rich content that aligns with your brand style and resonates with your target audience.

It also serves as a virtual assistant, taking notes, drafting emails, and summarising calls, which takes the load off manual, repetitive tasks and frees up valuable time for you to focus on building relationships and closing deals.

As an analytics tool, you can use AI to see what your customers value most. Is it the price? Brand values? Functionality? These insights should feed back into your strategy, and you can use them, alongside generative AI, to create multiple marketing campaigns with different messaging for distinct audiences and run A/B testing to see what generates the best results. This will save you time, resources, and data analysis costs — all contributing to increasing your bottom line. So, while the strategy is still defined by humans, the content creation, testing, data, and analytics will be taken care of by AI.

When AI-driven marketing strategies are implemented effectively, it’s not just speed and analysis that drive revenue. It’s also due to AI’s ability to create personalised content at scale.

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Creating personalised experiences with generative AI

When 65% of customers worldwide expect companies to adapt to their changing needs and preferences, personalisation should be at the heart of your marketing strategies. With generative AI, you can make sure it is.

With AI analysing customer data and history, it can suggest favourite products, hide non-relevant items, and evaluate which images generate the highest engagement. This helps you optimise click-through rates and makes personalising the browsing experience effortless.

Additionally, with AI chatbots, you can provide 24/7 communication to customers and generate precise, fast, tailored responses grounded in CRM data. This enables your sales agents to share replies in just one click and customers to receive the answers they need promptly.

This level of personalisation enhances relevancy for your customers, creating a sense of understanding and fostering a deeper emotional connection. As a result, not only do you save money on experience design, but with more satisfied customers who are more likely to repeat a purchase, you maximise your ROI.

Knowing which AI tools to use 

As the popularity of generative AI grows, so does the number of AI tools. With so many available, knowing which is best suited for your business can be overwhelming. That’s why it’s important to understand the specifics of different tools so you can match the right tool to your needs. No matter your industry, no matter your team, there’s an AI tool available for you.

  • Sales with AI integrated into Sales, you can leverage actionable insights from sales projections, real-time reporting, and purpose-built analytics, enabling you to maximise growth and revenue across all channels.
  • Customer Service AI tools for customer service are transformative. They enable you to track interactions across every touchpoint and resolve incidents faster with AI chatbots, advanced knowledge management software, and ticketing tools — driving service productivity and brand loyalty. The Service Cloud can easily integrate into your existing infrastructure to allow your team to unlock these benefits.
  • Marketing — with an AI-driven marketing strategy, you can win customers, engage efficiently, and boost ROI. How? By unifying your data for a 360-customer view with real-time insights and leveraging built-in analytics and intelligent user journey mapping to help your team launch multi-channel campaigns. Salesforce Marketing Cloud is one such tool that allows you to do that.
  • E-commerce — AI tools for e-commerce allow you to personalise and improve the shopper journey through AI-infused software. You can drive sales with a single, agile e-commerce platform that meets and exceeds customer expectations with scaled, personalised campaigns, both online and in-store. All this can be leveraged with Salesforce Commerce Cloud.

The goal of marketers and sales reps is to make every moment count, but doing this at scale can be challenging. With an AI-driven marketing strategy, you unlock a catalyst to success. That’s why 62% of global marketers have a fully defined AI strategy. It’s time to implement yours.

Ready to increase ROI with AI-driven marketing strategies? For more information on how Salesforce can help you get the most from your AI, see here.

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