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Ruth’s Journey: From Full-Time Mum to Salesforce Consultant

Ruth’s Journey: From Full-Time Mum to Salesforce Consultant
Ruth is one of the Trailblazer who has found her way into the Salesforce Ecosystem, thanks to the Salesforce training program MOA offered.

Salesforce’s collaboration with workforce development partner MOA helped a full-time mom kickstart a new career within the Spanish Salesforce Ecosystem as a Salesforce consultant.

The world is changing fast. New technologies are constantly being introduced in a shorter time. Constant adaptation of skills is required to keep pace with the new era we are living in. We spoke with Matías Acosta, Founding Partner at MOA, a workforce development partner in Spain, and Ruth, a participant in their Salesforce program. They shared their insights on the challenges and opportunities within the Spanish Salesforce ecosystem.

“The current job market presents both, challenges and opportunities, “ says Matías Acosta, Founding Partner at MOA. “On one hand, there is a growing demand for skilled professionals in emerging technologies such as Salesforce, AI, and data analytics. However, there is also a significant skills gap, with many employers struggling to find candidates with the right experience. Additionally, the job market is becoming increasingly competitive, with candidates needing to differentiate themselves with specialised skills and certifications.”

MOA is a leading training organisation focused on Marketing Technology, offering a variety of Salesforce programs designed to meet the needs of both individuals and companies. Their unique selling proposition lies in a practical, hands-on approach, and a commitment to delivering tangible results for their partners. Their focus on training professionals on Salesforce technology, allows individuals to enhance their career opportunities in the Salesforce ecosystem and enables companies to leverage Salesforce to drive innovation and growth. 

Matías says that Digitalisation and Artificial Intelligence are tremendously reshaping the skill profile. “As more industries embrace digital transformation, there is a growing need for professionals who can leverage technology to drive innovation and efficiency. Skills such as data analysis, AI programming, and machine learning are becoming increasingly important across various sectors. Additionally, soft skills such as adaptability, creativity, and problem-solving are essential for navigating the constantly evolving digital landscape.” MOA tries to stay ahead of the curve. “We try to closely monitor industry trends and collaborate with industry experts. We regularly update our course offerings to reflect the latest developments in the Salesforce ecosystem, ensuring our students are always prepared for the challenges of tomorrow.”

Want to make learning a bit more fun?

Learn new skills from anywhere. Skill up with Trailhead, the Salesforce online learning platform.


Growing within the Salesforce Ecosystem

“Joining the Salesforce ecosystem offers career changers unprecedented opportunities for growth and professional development,” says Matías. “The demand for Salesforce professionals is high, with companies across all sectors seeking individuals with these skill sets. By acquiring skills in Salesforce, individuals can position themselves for exciting career opportunities and make a significant impact in the tech industry.”

Ruth is one of the Trailblazers who has found her way into the Salesforce Ecosystem, thanks to the Salesforce training program MOA offered.  

“My name is Ruth de la Puerta, I live in Spain, and I am a mother of two children. I currently work as a consultant at SCL Consulting, an international company specialising in information technology. After taking a professional break to take care of my children, I decided to “reinvent” myself and choose a new career path.”

The power of our Workforce Development Partner

Ruth became aware of Salesforce through friends who are professionals in the technology world. “They informed me about Salesforce features and the career opportunities it offered. So I created my Trailhead account where I took my first steps in training. Later, after seeking advice on which training offer was most comprehensive, I chose MOA. That’s where my adventure truly began.”

“The MOA training program is very comprehensive and diverse as a whole, with an expert team of teachers, including practices and projects as well as thorough evaluation,” Ruth explains. “It is based on the “Learning by Doing” methodology that allows students to start working with the tool from the very first minute, which I consider the key to the training. I had no prior technological knowledge, so it was exciting, challenging, and very intense.”

Landing the first job in the ecosystem 

It didn’t take long for Ruth to find a job. “The final project presentation at MOA is made in the presence of recruiters from the most representative IT companies, so even before finishing our training, students were visible to companies. Immediately, I started job interviews, where MOA continued to provide me with support and guidance on how to successfully face this new stage. Finally, after a few weeks of active searching, I was fortunate, and SCL Consulting gave me the opportunity to join their magnificent team as a Salesforce Consultant.”

My career has taken a boost and direction with which I am satisfied, and I firmly believe that this is only the beginning of an exciting professional journey.

Ruth de la Puerta, Former MOA Trainee and Consultant at SCL Consulting

“My job is much more interesting than I had imagined at first”, says Ruth with a smile. “As a professional in the Salesforce field, I spend most of my time collaborating with internal teams and clients to understand their business needs and translate them into effective solutions using the platform. This involves configuring and customising the tool to suit each client’s specific processes, as well as providing ongoing support to ensure successful platform adoption.”

Next to gaining technical knowledge, Ruth also highlights the importance of soft skills in her job. “I consider social skills almost as important as technical skills in my job. Building a trusting relationship with clients can be a real challenge. It takes a lot of effort to achieve the right balance to ensure the needs of all parties involved are met.

Empathy, assertiveness, continuous learning, and openness to change, but especially effective and fluid communication, are fundamental to ensuring project success and customer satisfaction.”

For Ruth, working in the Salesforce ecosystem is an enriching and rewarding experience. She says, “The diversity of technical profiles is welcomed and it offers an environment with endless opportunities for professional growth.”

Curious to know more about Salesforce Consultant Career Path?

Learn in-demand skills, connect with fellow Trailblazers, and build your consulting career.

Why companies benefit from a diversity of technical profiles

“The technology market has changed, and for that reason, the profiles we hire in companies must also change”, says Miguel Arrufat, Head of Salesforce Services at SCL Consulting.

Today’s definition of talent is much broader.

Miguel Arrufat, Head of Salesforce Services at SCL Consulting

“Ruth represents exactly what we consider the profile of the future at SCL Consulting, people who are not afraid of change and who turn obstacles into opportunities for improvement. She combines the ability to learn cutting-edge technologies with fully consolidated soft skills, especially in customer relations. Some people complain that they cannot find resources. We believe that those who complain about the shortage of talent are not looking for the right profiles.”

What the future will bring

For Matías Acosta, Founding Partner at MOA, an adequate supply of qualified and certified Salesforce talent requires a collaborative effort between training providers, employers, and industry stakeholders. He explains, “Employers can play a crucial role by adopting more flexible hiring practices, such as considering candidates with non-traditional backgrounds or providing on-the-job training opportunities. Additionally, continuing education and training programs can help existing professionals stay relevant in the constantly evolving Salesforce ecosystem. In 2024, MOA’s vision is to continue expanding the course offerings, strengthening our partnerships, and remaining a driver of innovation and growth in the Marketing Technology industry.”

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