Welcome to the
Future of Learning

We bring talents and hiring companies together. We collaborate with universities, NGOs and commercial training providers to equip young talents, career changers, people returning to the workforce, and underrepresented minorities for their job in the Salesforce ecosystem.



Job Seekers

Are you looking to jump start your career in the Salesforce ecosystem? Have a look at our Workforce Development Partners Directory and select the most appropriate program for you.
Check out Talent Alliance for further resources and to connect with employers.

Workforce development partners (NGOs and commercial training providers)

Are you already running a Salesforce workforce development program and would like to be a part of our partner directory? Learn more.
Are you interested in integrating a Salesforce course in your course portfolio?  Get in touch with us

Salesforce Employers (Customers, Partners)

Would you like to gain access to diverse talents? Apply to become a Talent Alliance member. 
Would you like become an Academic Ambassador to inspire young talents and attract them to join your company? Learn more.
Would you like to support diversity and equality through collaboration with NGOs? Get in touch with us at:EMEATalentEcosystem@salesforce.com


Would you like to help students accelerate their digital skills?
Would you like to give students a chance to experience the industry?
Contact us at: EMEATalentEcosystem@salesforce.com to start our academic collaboration. We can work together on a Salesforce module, Talent Ecosystem pitch webinar, guest lecture and certification training.

Need advice?
Speak with a Talent Ecosystem Advisor

Our Talent Ecosystem Advisors are here to answer your questions. They'll help you figure out what program is right for you. You can also stay up-to-date by joining our LinkedIn community


From art teacher to Salesforce consultant: A journey to the Salesforce Ecosystem

Salesforce is collaborating with workforce development partner Green Fox Academy to support people changing careers to join the Salesforce Ecosystem in Eastern Europe.

Empowering the digital leaders of tomorrow with Salesforce and ReDi School

Get inspired by Ahmed Sukker’s journey to a successful career in the Salesforce Ecosystem 

From Marketing to Marketing Cloud: Get inspired by Trailblazer Denise Atkinson

With a wraparound service of training, coaching and hands-on experience, Supermums and Slalom UK are equipping a greater number of more diverse talent with the skills they need to succeed in the world of tech.

How partners can help to equip net new talent for the Salesforce Ecosystem

Noltic, a Consulting and ISV Partner, was founded by three partners who had the idea of creating a 100% Salesforce-focused agency. 

Straight from high school to a Salesforce consultant

A young age is no barrier to a successful career, thanks to Salesforce’s Workforce Development Partners.

Next gen tech talent: Navigating a new route from teaching to Salesforce via Pathfinder

With a background in politics and education, UK-based mother-of-three Papya Qureshi completed the Pathfinder Program in Autumn 2022.

From shop assistant to Salesforce Developer in a Year - Hema’s Journey

Hema Kumar had always dreamed about a career in the tech sector but family circumstances prevented her from fulfilling her dream. Nevertheless, she was persistent and, with the help of Salesforce Workforce Development Partner, FDM, learnt the skills she needed to become a successful Salesforce developer.

Changing career as an Early-in-Career Professional - Edouard’s Journey

Edouard de Romrée is an early-in-career professional, who decided to change his career direction. Thanks to Salesforce Workforce Development Partner BeCode, Edouard was able to learn the technical skills he needed to become a Campaign Developer. We invited him to share his story of changing careers.

Q&A Job seekers

You can start your journey with zero background and no prior experience. It just depends on how much time you are willing to spend on your learning and development and which kind of entry position you would like to achieve.
You have various options to get started: (1) Either you decide to join one of our programs above (link to filter module), or (2) you start with your individual self-driven learning journey with our free online platform Trailhead.
This depends on the training you are participating in and your individual speed of learning. Generally we recommend to take the final certification exam as close to the program end as possible. To find out more about how to proper prepare, please read this article.
There are 9 different career tracks which you can pursue. Take a look at them and choose your path!
This question cannot be answered generally. The Salesforce Ecosystem highly supports a "work from anywhere" culture but there might still be some (legal) restrictions depending on the employer, the country, or the job role.