Norway Equality Report FY24


Equality Statement of SFDC Norway AS (the 'Company')

Throughout FY24 (1 February 2023 to 31 January 2024), the Company had 77 employees (in total), of which 22 were women (29%). As of 31 January 2024, the total headcount was 58.

Average wages for employees full-time positions amounted to NOK 1,448,513 for women and NOK 1,639,409 for men. In FY24, women’s pay is, on average, 88.36% of men’s pay in the Company. This is compared to FY23, where women’s pay was, on average, 86.80% of men’s pay. The wage gap is related to objective reasons, namely that more men occupy senior roles, and in general, men in senior roles have longer service with the Company than women in similar roles. We are seeking to address the wage gap through equality measures, detailed below.

The Company had a total of 0 employees in part-time positions, of which 0 were women. During the year, the proportion of women in administrative positions was 1% of all employees (one female employee), while the share of women in management positions was 33% (Grade 9 and above).

The average parental and maternity allowance is 17 and 54 weeks respectively. The average parental leave was 31.2 weeks for women and 16 weeks for men.

The Company engaged 1 man and 2 women during the year on contracts for the provision of a service.

Measures to promote equality

We drive high performance and business results by designing and executing employee centered talent strategies, programs, and processes throughout the employee lifecycle. As part of our long term talent and equality strategies, we continue to invest in local programs and initiatives:

  • Continued focus on gender representation in the Leadership teams and broader enablement across Norway, including inclusive hiring training for all people managers with a view to reducing the risk of gender inequality due to underrepresentation of women in senior roles
  • Conducting pay surveys to identify risks of gender pay gaps, analyzing the causes of any wage disparity between genders and taking measures to address any gender pay gaps (see reference to our Equal Pay Initiative)
  • Expansion of Leadership Development programs, including the launch of a new EMEA Women in Leadership program which is dedicated to amplifying, supporting, and developing women to increase the pipeline of future leaders at Salesforce
  • Focused collaboration of executives, Business Resource groups, HR, and business orgs which promote gender equality in the workplace
  • Empowering our local Equality Groups, including Women's Network
  • With an equitable lens, enabling employees to grow, develop, and achieve their best in a diverse and inclusive culture. We offer our employees various talent development programs to create a culture of continuous learning. Learning and development opportunities include Trailhead, our learning platform available for all employees, in-person and virtual classes, guides and workbooks and more.

The Office of Accessibility partners with internal stakeholders to ensure compliance, raise accessibility needs, develop improvement plans, and build workforce development programs. At Salesforce, we evangelize accessibility on behalf of our employees, customers, partners, and other important groups across the industry. Creating an inclusive workplace for people with disabilities requires continuous improvement of world-class accommodations programs, accessible systems and tools, and empowered leaders who champion and advance accessibility within their teams.

Our code of conduct also includes principles to ensure an inclusive workplace, and a diversity of opinion, background, and culture. Our Employee Handbook contains the following policies which also promote equality and prevent discrimination workplace; Equal Opportunity Employment; Open Door; Harassment/Discrimination-Free Workplace; Reporting Concerns and Anti-Retaliation. Accordingly, employment decisions like hiring, firing, and promoting are never based on legally protected personal characteristics including medical condition or disability.

Equality is a core value at Salesforce. We aim to create a workplace that reflects the diverse communities we serve and empowers our employees. Our key equality initiatives include: investing in our future leaders, inclusive hiring and leadership trainings, equal pay for equal work, employee-led resource groups and a focus on accessibility in our products and workspaces.

Equal Pay Initiative

  • In 2015, we were one of the first companies to evaluate and address any gaps in pay among our global workforce.
  • We’ve continued to improve upon our processes and broaden the scope of our assessment to include gender globally, race and ethnicity in the U.S., merit, bonuses, and stock.
  • There are many factors that contribute to pay inequality. Some are within our control and some aren’t, so we must continue to evaluate pay on an ongoing basis.
  • The goal of our equal pay assessment is to identify systemic disparities in pay.
    • Salesforce groups employees into similarly-situated (or comparable) roles and conducts an analysis to determine if there are unexplained disparities in pay based on gender globally.
    • Employees in the U.S. are assessed again based on race. Our methodology accounts for legitimate, job-related factors that may explain differences in pay such as work location and experience.
    • In 2021, we expanded our assessment to include equity grants as part of our annual stock refresh program, looking at the distribution of stock awards to eligible employees.
    • We conduct our analysis and make adjustments as necessary after we complete planning for our annual merit program.

More information is contained at:

Equality Survey FY24

Wage Gap for Total Norway Org
The total gender pay gap in SFDC Norway A.S for FY24 is 11.64%. Women’s pay is, on average, 88.36% of men’s pay in the Company.

Gender Distribution by Job Family Group
For the purposes of preparing this report, we grouped Job Family Groups based on our global organization chart and internal business structures. 
Gender Distribution by Job Family Group
For the purposes of preparing this report, we grouped Job Family Groups based on our global organization chart and internal business structures. 
Job Family Female % Male %
Customer Success Group 100 0
Executive Assistants Group 100 0
Intern 100 0
Marketing 100 0
Mulesoft - Customer Success Group 0 100
Products and Technology 0 100
Program/Project Management 0 100
Sales 22 78
Gender Distribution at different job levels
Grade Group Female % Male %
VP+ (Grade 11-14) 0 100
Dir/Sr Dir (Grade 9/10) 33 67
Professional (Grade7/8) 21 79
Support/Ops (Grade 0-6) 40 60
Wage gap in Job Family
We have not disclosed the wage gaps in job families containing fewer than five employees, or where there is only one man or one woman in the group, to ensure personal information is kept confidential. 

Job Family containing more than 5
% of women in job family % wage   gap Women's share of men's salary %
Sales 28.57 0.29 99.71
Wage gap at different job levels
Grade (containing more than 5) % of women in grade Wage gap % Women's share of men's salary %

Dir/Sr Dir (Grade 9/10)
33 41 59

Professional (Grade7/8)
21 26 74

Support/Ops (Grade 0-6)
40 71 29