
Salesforce gives us a solid platform to unlock 360-degree visibility of our customers and innovate as we scale.”

Krister Tånneryd, Chief Operating Officer
Salesforce customer since 2018
Over 800 employees

In a more connected world, there’s an invisible fabric of business-critical smart technology permeating almost every aspect of our daily lives. 

There are alarms, sensors and communications systems all around us keeping people, businesses and whole industries safe, connected, and operational – 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. And it’s businesses like European IoT company, AddSecure, that make it happen.

AddSecure is on a mission to make the world safer and smarter for more than 100,000 customers across Europe. By combining industry-leading expertise with a range of security solutions and services, the company secures data and critical communications for everything from building alarms to secure transport vehicles, and personal alarms to power grids.  

With goals to boost revenues by 2025, AddSecure is growing rapidly and has gone through a number of acquisitions to expand its portfolio. “We’re working on giving customers a seamless experience and unlocking 360-degree visibility through the organisation,” said Krister Tånneryd, Chief Operating Officer. “With Salesforce we’ve got solid foundations in place to achieve our ambitions.”



With Salesforce we’ve got solid foundations in place to achieve our ambitions.”

Krister Tånneryd, Chief Operating Officer

Managing multiple acquisitions.

AddSecure employs approximately 880 people across 15 European countries, with additional offices in the US and Australia. Following rapid acquisitions and with a geographically diverse workforce, the company needed to centralise operations on a common platform and align behind a shared vision of the ideal customer experience.

“The customer experience should be easy and seamless across all departments and locations, but we had siloed data and disparate systems including 14 ERP and 12 CRM platforms,” explained Jessica Skeppholm, Salesforce Project Manager at AddSecure. 

To align key processes, the company implemented Salesforce with help from Stretch Customer AB in 2018. “Salesforce is a great platform with the potential to transform the customer experience,” said Jessica. “The implementation was by the far the fastest I’ve ever been involved in.”

The company quickly onboarded 250 users across the world and established core processes to get the team working consistently. “We focused on transforming processes that have the most impact on the customer,” added Krister. “We leveraged as much out-of-the-box functionality as possible to deliver the most impact in the shortest time frame.”

The platform is integrated with the company’s ERP systems to simplify subscription management and invoicing. The Smart Transport business unit has also integrated its fleet management tool so it can monitor vehicles in Salesforce. 

Consolidating sales processes.

With Sales Cloud, leads are funneled from the website and scored. The hottest leads are then converted into opportunities and passed to the sales team to follow up and convert.

It was complex to manage the company’s diverse product catalogue before Salesforce. But today, reps have a 360 view of every customer – at a glance anyone can see any customer’s purchase history, which helps identify up-sell and cross-sell opportunities. Reps also have visibility of any open support cases so they can have the right conversations with the right customers at the right time.

Using dashboards and reporting, the team has an overview of performance and can drill down by each business unit or country – even down to individual reps – to see progress against targets.

“Now that we’ve got strong foundations in place we’ll be able to use dashboards and reporting to really drive sales excellence,” said Martin Hult, AddSecure’s Director PMO. “Salesforce will help us be much more data-driven and make smarter decisions to help reach our goals.”

Streamlining customer service.

To streamline customer service, AddSecure rolled out Service Cloud to 200 agents. “We’re consolidating 15 service centres into 30 teams to support five business units across 13 global markets,” said Jessica.

Cases come in by phone, web form, or email, and two regions also have communities built on Experience Cloud.  The team is currently defining standard support processes to meet each business unit’s needs while giving customers a consistent, high-quality experience.

The Smart Transport business unit in Benelux was the first region onboarded to Experience Cloud. Users can view customer accounts, vehicles, and open (and historical) support cases, and interact directly with customers logged in to the community. “We can even ask customers to upload photos of a broken device straight into the community so we can work on fixing the issue quickly,” added Martin. “We’re about to launch the community in France, and will be adding knowledge articles too.”

Riding a wave of innovation.

With its digital transformation well underway, the next steps for AddSecure are to streamline email marketing with Pardot, and implement CPQ. “We’re consolidating more and more systems onto Salesforce and looking at how we can close any gaps in our processes,” explained Krister. “We want the whole customer experience to be underpinned by Salesforce.”

For AddSecure, the transformation has brought about a cultural shift too, and users have embraced the new platform enthusiastically. “The beauty of Salesforce is how flexible it is. We can go from idea to implementation very quickly,” said Jessica.

With Salesforce, AddSecure is driving efficiency across the whole global business, and will soon have unlocked 360-degree visibility of the customer experience to bring high-quality, seamless services to everyone.

“Salesforce has triggered a wave of innovation. We’re still riding that wave and we can’t wait to see where the journey will take us,” concluded Martin.


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