KBAC Flooring

200 employees
Salesforce customer since 2019

KBAC Flooring lays a smarter foundation for its next 50 years with Salesforce

Few businesses last longer than 20 years. Even fewer last longer than 40 years. As of 2020, KBAC flooring has been serving offices and homes across Gauteng, the Western Cape and Sub-Saharan Africa for 51 years.

To serve that many customers over the years, the business has had to learn how to adapt repeatedly. To new ways of working, new opportunities and new ways of serving customers. 

We spoke to Business Development Manager, Dave Keefer about how KBAC Flooring has used Salesforce to change the way it works so effectively it’s been able to withstand the pressures of even the COVID-19 crisis.

CRM for a modern operation

Job sheets are integral to how KBAC does business – they provide its staff with vital information for each job, from project timelines to required materials. Every delay in processing these documents laddered up to cost KBAC time and money.

“Our way of operating was outdated,” said David. “Quotes, orders and job sheets were still paper-based. The turnaround time to process information was crazy – a sheet had to go from one desk to another, then a manager had to sign it off. Or it would just get lost.”

Dave knew KBAC needed to modernise its processes to make life easier for its employees and, crucially, to keep engaging customers in relevant ways. With Sales Cloud, KBAC had a CRM capable of simplifying the way work is done so everyone gets a better experience.

In fact, with the Salesforce Platform, KBAC has even smoothed out its supplier interactions so its installers can get from warehouse to job site as efficiently as possible. 

“We're using custom objects for our job sheets,” Dave explained.”Now we can convert a quote into a job sheet, give it to the installer and our warehouses to issue materials, go to site and install it. Simple.”

A better experience for customers.

“Now, suddenly, clients are getting their quotes faster. We have controls in place to check the quality of everything going out. Everything we do is geared towards being more efficient.”

When COVID-19 struck shortly after implementation, KBAC was fully prepared to continue operating in the new normal. In a time of reduced activity country-wide, it is vital to have productive conversations as often as possible.

KBAC’s CRM streamlines interactions between customer support, sales and their respective audiences. And this new digital reality is paying dividends.

“Now conversations with customers are so much more productive, and fast,” said Dave. “You're interested in this? No problem. Check your email – I've just sent you a quote. Does that work? When’s the best time for us to come to you? I have a team available on Tuesday. It’s really that simple.”


Salesforce’s dashboards and analytics give us a ton of useful reporting and analyses. They’re crucial in helping us identify and target the most exciting opportunities.”


Talking, learning and growing as a business.

Pulling off the biggest operational change in the business’ history was always going to be a challenge. This isn’t just an operation, it’s a culture. 

“We have people who've been here for 20, 30, 40 years, and never used a CRM,” explained Dave.

Dave knew KBAC couldn’t just rip out every process and start from scratch. His team would need to be empathetic and manage change incrementally. That meant keeping some things the same and evolving others. 

To ease the transition from paper to digital, they customised certain workflows for admin and sales people in Salesforce so they could mimic what was already in place. Equally, they adopted new tools for collaboration because they needed to ingrain these new ways of working into the culture. 

“Chatter’s revolutionised how we communicate. We've set up workflows through Chatter on different objects to guide users through the right process. It means the right people get help doing the right things the right way. That’s something we just couldn’t do before.”

Dave also drove the sales team to use Trailhead so they could develop their own skills rather than needing to hire new people. “All my sales people have bought into Trailhead. It’s fantastic to see them boosting their productivity with new tools.”

Smarter and faster sales

Simplifying KBAC’s in-house operations has allowed sales to turbocharge their output. As the business continues its remarkable journey, it’s proven yet again that its ability to adapt and evolve is central to how it keeps on winning customers, decade after decade.

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