Salesforce helps Stanley Healthcare connect with our customers to provide a much better patient experience, and a safe and secure environment.”


Stanley Healthcare moves closer to its customers, saving both money and lives.

  • Stanley Healthcare is a market-leading provider of visibility solutions and analytics for the healthcare industry.
  • The company contributes to high-quality patient and resident care at 5,000 hospital and healthcare systems and over 12,000 senior living communities.
  • The company partnered with Salesforce to help meet healthcare providers’ desire to enhance the quality of patient care while also reducing operational costs.
  • Stanley Healthcare’s sales and service teams can now solve customer issues proactively with 360-degree views of healthcare providers and an array of self-service options.
  • Customer satisfaction increased above benchmark levels; agent productivity multiplied more than sixfold; first-call resolution boosted 20%.

What if newborn babies wore an infant monitoring system inside hospitals that linked them to their mothers and other care providers? What if the hospital staff used Wi-Fi tracking and alerts to know exactly where infants were at all times, keeping them safe and sound? And what if medical equipment like refrigerators alerted the staff when they required maintenance or when operating conditions changed unexpectedly, jeopardising lifesaving medications?

Stanley Healthcare’s smart technology is making all that, and more, possible today. A division of Stanley Black & Decker, Stanley Healthcare delivers connected technology to over 5,000 hospital and healthcare systems and 12,000+ senior living communities. These healthcare providers can now offer more intelligent service and responsive care to their most vulnerable patients, all while also reducing costs.

“There is a real fundamental need to enhance the quality of patient care while concurrently driving costs out of the healthcare system,” said President Marty Guay. “We recognised the fact that we had to be far closer to our customers in a very competitive world, and far closer to our solutions to make sure that they were properly supported and serviced.”

Operating in the healthcare industry, where failure can put lives at risk, Stanley Healthcare executives set a high bar for the company’s technology partners. “When you think about infant protection, our technology needs to work 100% — 99% is not enough,” said Amihai Zeltzer, Associate Vice President, Technical & Digital Services. With these demands in mind, Guay and his leadership team chose Salesforce to help close the gap between company and customer, which would, in turn, improve the safety and security of hospital patients around the world.


Customer care is really our culture. It’s what we strive to do. We use Salesforce to deliver that, to really embed ourselves inside the lives of our customers, so we see things as they do.”

Marty Guay, President, Stanley Healthcare

Integrating data seamlessly

Guided by data collected from Stanley Healthcare’s products, which is sent to and stored in Salesforce, the customer care team proactively reaches out to customers about how the company’s products are working in the field. Using real-time feedback in Service Cloud, customer care reps can offer customers suggestions on how to do things better or solve developing issues before they become real problems, making patients safer and hospital personnel more efficient.

Sales and service departments now share the same seamlessly integrated data.

“I can see everything about my customer all in a single space, and so can my agents, so can my salespeople. I don’t need to have separate systems to integrate,” said Steve Mascola, IT Director for Commercial Systems for Stanley Security, which includes Stanley Healthcare. “I don’t have to train people on multiple systems. Everybody is trained just on Salesforce.”

Mascola is responsible for driving the business forward using technology as a differentiator. Taking advantage of work already done by developers within the Salesforce Success Community speeds up innovation, and automatic updates throughout the year keep the company’s tools up to date with less effort. “Salesforce gives me the flexibility so that I can always find a solution to any request from the business, and respond to any new opportunity,” said Mascola.

Enhancing support through customer communities

Stanley Healthcare has streamlined support by offering a self-service online community where its healthcare provider customers can troubleshoot product issues, request on-site service, initiate returns, or generate product licenses on their own. Customers can quickly and easily find answers in a rich library of articles and videos, or by posing questions in community discussion rooms. Self-service support frees up the company’s support and product management teams to spend more time solving complicated customer problems that require more expertise.

“There’s a lot of collaboration between customers. What’s nice about that is customers empower one another with information,” said Zeltzer. “Using our Knowledgebase and Discussion Rooms, they identify creative solutions and gain proficiency.”

Josh Plantz, Senior Director of a team dedicated to measuring customer satisfaction, said that integrated customer records make it possible for field agents to get the detailed feedback they need. The account record — available anywhere, anytime over mobile — is their first stop before any interaction, so team members never waste time getting up to speed.

Better yet, measuring customer satisfaction with Salesforce is turnkey. “Every metric that we have comes directly from Salesforce. All of our customer satisfaction surveys are held in Salesforce and launched out of Salesforce,” Plantz added. “We’re light years from where we were before.”

Stanley Healthcare’s metrics certainly reflect that great leap forward in customer care: Customer satisfaction is now above benchmark levels, agent productivity has multiplied more than sixfold, and first-call resolution has increased by 20%.

“At Stanley Healthcare, customer care is really our culture. It’s what we strive to do,” said Guay. “We use Salesforce to deliver that, to really embed ourselves inside of the lives of our customers, so we see things as they do.”


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