
With Salesforce, our people can see the bigger picture and engage more effectively with prospects and customers. We have evolved from a national company to a global player.”

Ivo Borges | Marketing Director

wTVision sees the bigger picture with Salesforce

From election results to football match tactics, 3D graphics help to tell a stronger story. “We’ve changed the way people around the world watch TV,” said Ivo Borges, Marketing Director at wTVision. “Our team creates innovative concepts and gives viewers new experiences that make programmes and subjects come alive.”

Founded in 2001, wTVision is one of the world’s leading real-time graphics and playout automation firms, providing software development, graphics design, and live operation services. The broadcasting company supports more than 7,000 broadcasts annually and works across more than 60 countries in dozens of languages.

The Lisbon-based business has already expanded its reach to countries as diverse as Belgium and Bolivia - and it wants to keep growing internationally. “With Salesforce, we have evolved from a national company to a global player,” explained Borges. “It enables our people to see the big picture and engage more effectively with prospects and customers.”


Sales Cloud has been a game-changer; it has opened up new layers of information. The management team can see the source and the status of different opportunities and if we are selling more in one area than another. We can then scale things that are working and stop things that aren’t.”

Ivo Borges | Marketing Director

Tracking leads during lengthy sales cycles.

In the fast-paced world of broadcasting, clients expect companies like wTVision to blaze a trail with new technologies and visuals. “If a current solution doesn’t solve a problem, we’ll find another way,” explained Pedro Martins, New Business Lead for wTVision. “We want to provide the best customer experience by being proactive and agile.”

This customer-centric approach has helped wTVision land an impressive and diverse portfolio of clients - from the biggest South American network to small cable TV operators with just a few staff. wTVision’s team of more than 350 people are always looking to sign up new broadcasters, sports federations, and event organisers.

Leads from trade shows and websites are first vetted by the marketing team and then passed to the sales agents to progress through the pipeline. wTVision uses Sales Cloud to manage and nurture these leads - some of which can take months to be converted into actual customer commissions. “Broadcasters start planning coverage for major sporting and political events months or even years in advance,” said Borges. “With Sales Cloud, we can keep track of historical interactions and log if a prospect selected a different provider during the sales process.”

“We want to provide the best customer service by being proactive and adaptable – if a current solution doesn’t solve a problem, we’ll customise it,” explained Pedro Martins, New Business lead, wTVision.

Sales Cloud manages these opportunities and leads. As sports and political events can be weeks, months or even years in the planning, it can make for a very long sales cycle, so it’s vital to keep track of historical customer interactions. “With Sales Cloud, we can see when the first approach comes, if the company went with another provider, when they came back to us, where and when we made contact, and the emails exchanged,” said Borges.

Keeping everyone in the sales picture.

The diversity of wTVision’s solutions can also add complexity to the sales cycle. “Although we tailor our solutions to individual customers, there’s often a cross-over that we can leverage,” said Borges. “For example, an agent in India can look at a previous quote and solution logged in Sales Cloud by a colleague in Portugal and use this to create a similar customer proposal rather than having to start from scratch.”

Dashboards and the Salesforce Mobile App ensure the global sales team has visibility of current and historical leads even when they are working remotely. “We want everyone to be kept in the loop,” said Martins. “Our solutions can be quite technical, so sales people often need to be able to refer back to other engagements to help them create the right deal for their customer.”

Richer insights help drive greater growth.

Agents and management executives can collaborate on different leads via Chatter. “People can share their feedback and answer questions in a more open way, which enables everyone to learn from their colleagues,” added Martins.

This commitment to knowledge sharing and learning starts the moment a new recruit joins the wTVision sales team. “We use Trailhead to onboard new team members,” said Martins. “The Salesforce Trailblazer Community is another great information source and enables us to resolve queries without having to ask for external help.”

Empowering its people with smarter processes and richer insights will be key as wTVision expands into new markets. “Sales Cloud has been a game-changer; it has opened up new layers of information,” said Borges. “The management team can see the source and the status of different opportunities and if we are selling more in one area than another. We can then scale things that are working and stop things that aren’t.

With Salesforce, we can focus on creating stand-out visual content for a global TV audience.” 

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