


Získejte za jediný den znalosti jako za celý rok. Zúčastněte se s námi 10. října v Praze dne nabitého inspirativními meetingy, kde si každý najde něco pro sebe.

Místnost keynote

Join some of our Czech Partners on a panel conversation, as they discuss their journey of Salesforce and how the ecosystem has evolved over the years.


Připojte se k Robinu Fisherovi, oblastnímu viceprezidentovi společnosti Salesforce, a speciálním hostujícím řečníkům, kteří mění sebe, a díky tomu přinášejí svým zákazníkům výjimečnou spokojenost a dělají svět v éře čtvrté průmyslové revoluce lepším.

Společnost Salesforce uvede příklady čelních světových společností, které využívají nové produkty a technologie, jako jsou Salesforce Customer 360, Einstein Voice, Trailhead a Lightning, aby dramaticky měnily způsob, jakým jejich zaměstnanci napříč odbytem, marketingem, a IT inovují, zvyšují dovednosti a zajišťují integrovanou zákaznickou zkušenost.

How to utilise Salesforce to its full potential. Selected examples from Sales, Service and Marketing presented by Accenture. 
Reimplementation of Salesforce in 5 months and going from waterfall to agile and beyond, presented presented by Deloitte

Join product leaders to see how the #1 marketing platform is enabling intelligent marketing and driving growth for one of the world's leading car leasing companies.

Learn how Salesforce helps companies to know, personalize, and engage for every consumer, orchestrating the journey across marketing, commerce, sales, and service.

Connect with your fellow trailblazers and gain new insights, build your brands, and win the hearts, minds, and loyalty of your consumers.

The buzz around AI for sales is growing, and everyone wants to know what it means and how it can drive change. But as a sales leader you have to deliver results—you don’t have time for buzzwords.

Join the Salesforce Einstein team to hear how you can go beyond the hype and create an intelligent sales strategy that will focus on the right leads, deliver tailored customer experiences, and increase the ROI on strategic accounts in your business - all on the Intelligent Salesforce Customer Success Platform.

You will walk away with an understanding of: * The top AI use cases within the Sales Cloud customer base * How other organisations are calculating the value of AI for their sales teams * Tips and tricks to help your sales team embrace AI and drive CRM adoption.

Salesforce Commerce Cloud, the world’s #1 digital commerce platform reaches more than a BILLION consumers every year!

Learn how B2C Commerce can create faster, smarter and more flexible paths to purchase and how you can use the power of B2B Commerce to deliver more personalised and intelligent experiences for the business buyer.

We invite commerce executives, developers, marketers and merchandisers to learn how to take advantage of the Salesforce Customer Success Platform - and become a Trailblazer for commerce.

Trends like automation, integration, digital channels, and mobile workforces have caused a profound shift in the way customers interact with companies. Nowhere is this more apparent than in customer service, which impacts every moment of the customer experience.

To thrive and compete in the new age of service, every organisation must reimagine their service approach and create transformational service experiences.

Join us to see how trailblazers are using the World's #1 B2C and B2B Service Platform to capitalise on these trends to transform service and deliver customer success.

Salesforce in financial services: rapid deployment in managing broker networks. 

Breakout sál 1

EN - On the edge of tomorrows customer -

Daniel Urminsky, Isobar, Regional Manager/Daniel Urminský, Regionální manažer

Frantisek Prochazka, Isobar, Technical Director/František Procházka, Technický ředitel

Příští rok bude generace Miléniálů tvořit polovinu pracovní síly. Abychom s nimi dokázali správně komunikovat, nestačí jen samotné technologie. Ukážeme vám, jak při komunikaci s nastupující generací vytvořit unikátní komunikační mix kombinací kreativity a technologií, který je nejen cestou k novým zákazníkům, ale i k udržení těch stávajících. Poodkryjeme malé Salesforce tajemství, které našim zákazníkům umožňuje vytvářet aktuální obsah a komunikovat všemi kanály v reálném čase. Stavte se. Ukážeme vám, jak efektivně komunikovat s těmi, kteří vyrostli s internetem v kapse.

Jednodušší a rychlejší správa požadavků s využitím umělé inteligence

IBM Watson společně se Salesforce Einstein přinášejí zásadní změny do fungování kontaktních center. Společně s pomocí umělé inteligence zpřístupňujeme ta správná data a znalosti, aby mohly být vaše klientské požadavky rychleji vyřešeny.

Pojďte si poslechnout, jak Bluewolf / IBM vidí budoucnost kontaktních center a jak ji můžete využít i Vy.



Smart Contact Center in the cognitive era

Transform your contact center with AI - Make smarter decisions faster than ever with Salesforce and

IBM. Salesforce Einstein and IBM Watson provide tailored AI capabilities that are redefining contact center workflows. Together, they unify bodies of knowledge from disparate data sources, helping support agents solve cases faster.

Come and see how Bluewolf / IBM see the future of contact centers. And how you can achieve that with Salesforce and IBM Watson!

Biggest Salesforce Lightning implementation in Czech Republic. Lessons learned and business expectations presented by Enehano. 
How to select the right Salesforce partner, what criteria to evaluate and concrete hints where to seek for additional info about the partner.

Breakout sál 2

People expect more from technology. They want seamless, personalised experiences from companies whether they work for them or not. Meeting these expectations can often fracture a company, resulting in siloed data, shadow IT, technical debt, and a disconnected experience.
Is your Org ready for Lightning? This session will cover the essential things you need to know before migrating to Lightning, including Lightning Readiness Report, identifying quick wins, and a live demo of key features and resources.
Design thinking has been championed as the future of interactive approaches for everything from customer experiences, product design to systems-level change management. Join us for a practical overview of the theory and practice of Design Thinking and how it can be used as an approach for teams to design personalized experiences that deliver value to your customers and your company.
Want to get more value from your Salesforce investment? Join our Success Managers who will provide a live Demo of our best, easy-to-use resources. These resources will enable you to Blaze your Trail faster and deliver ROI back to your business in no time.
Salesforce: Powerful CRM even for the smallest teams of 2 users

Basecamp Prague

Nepromeškejte šanci objevit sílu platformy Customer Success Platform nejinteligentnějšího systému řízení vztahů se zákazníky (CRM).