Salesforce Live: Switzerland

June 24, 2021 | 10:05 a.m. - 10:35 a.m. CEST

Reimagining the Client Experience And Empowering Employees For Growth

Featured speakers:
Carlo Strub, Head IT Architecture, Swiss Life Asset Managers
Vincent Leber, Senior RVP Financial Services, Salesforce
Christian Markoc, RVP Financial Services, Salesforce
Dimitri Blättler, Principal Solution Engineer, Salesforce

We’re currently living through a whole new, digital-first normal.

And while a lot of things are different – some never change. They just evolve.

It’s as important as ever to keep your customers at the heart of your business decisions – including your digital transformation.

So, for a special customer-centric exploration of this topic, join our breakout session: Reimagining The Client Experience And Empowering Employees For Growth.

You’ll hear from top Swiss Trailblazer: Carlo Strub, Head of IT Architecture at Swiss Life Asset Managers. He’ll share insights, advice and stories from the firm’s journey to better customer centricity.

And you’ll discover how to shape your transformation projects around the needs of your customers – and how to unify customer touchpoints to create richer, more fulfilling customer experiences.

So, if you’re passionate about delivering the best CX in this still-strange new landscape, here’s your opportunity to pick up best practices, hear inspirational success stories, explore new solutions, and get your questions answered via Live Chat.

Save the date: Thursday June 24, 2021 from 10:05 a.m. to 10:35 a.m. CEST. And get ready for inspiration, action, and a whole heap of motivation.


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