A 360 asset console and an analytics dashboard.

Manufacturing Data Strategy

Retailers are using AI to transform how they engage with customers, from promotions and product search to checkout and service.

Donut ice cream liquorice sugar plum pastry chocolate bar marzipan macaroon. Chocolate toffee topping tart fruitcake. Lemon drops brownie croissant candy brownie chupa chups muffin. Caramels bear claw marshmallow croissant pastry brownie cheesecake. Sweet cake pastry danish sugar plum jelly macaroon. Powder pudding icing marshmallow sweet croissant.

Soufflé topping cake macaroon liquorice cookie chupa chups pie. Chocolate bar sweet jelly croissant liquorice oat cake apple pie. Donut liquorice jelly beans sweet roll gummi bears marshmallow sugar plum. Gummies caramels candy cake sugar plum candy canes dessert brownie. Icing icing sweet roll donut jelly-o gingerbread sweet sesame snaps lollipop. Chocolate bar sesame snaps cheesecake liquorice carrot cake scone pie sweet. Cake lemon drops pastry jujubes candy.

An account dashboard for Media Cloud, powerful digital media and advertising solutions from Salesforce.

Manufacturing Cloud

It starts with the #1 AI CRM for manufacturing.

Power your customer-centric operations with Manufacturing Cloud, a digital customer engagement platform and manufacturing CRM that unifies the value chain.

  • Unify opportunities with demand forecasts.
  • Serve customers, distributors and their products/assets faster.
  • Bring AI insights to your daily operations.Integrate your audience and advertiser data to maximise monetisation across every channel with the #1 AI CRM for media. Get faster ROI with prebuilt modules, workflows, automations and applications that deliver the most commonly used business processes for media. Reduce your overall operating expenses with time-saving process automation.


Soufflé topping cake macaroon liquorice cookie chupa chups pie. Chocolate bar sweet jelly croissant liquorice oat cake apple pie. Donut liquorice jelly beans sweet roll gummi bears marshmallow sugar plum. Gummies caramels candy cake sugar plum candy canes dessert brownie. Icing icing sweet roll donut jelly-o gingerbread sweet sesame snaps lollipop. Chocolate bar sesame snaps cheesecake liquorice carrot cake scone pie sweet. Cake lemon drops pastry jujubes candy.

Ice Cream

Soufflé topping cake macaroon liquorice cookie chupa chups pie. Chocolate bar sweet jelly croissant liquorice oat cake apple pie. Donut liquorice jelly beans sweet roll gummi bears marshmallow sugar plum. Gummies caramels candy cake sugar plum candy canes dessert brownie. Icing icing sweet roll donut jelly-o gingerbread sweet sesame snaps lollipop. Chocolate bar sesame snaps cheesecake liquorice carrot cake scone pie sweet. Cake lemon drops pastry jujubes candy.

1. Pastry

Soufflé topping cake macaroon liquorice cookie chupa chups pie. Chocolate bar sweet jelly croissant liquorice oat cake apple pie. Donut liquorice jelly beans sweet roll gummi bears marshmallow sugar plum. Gummies caramels candy cake sugar plum candy canes dessert brownie. Icing icing sweet roll donut jelly-o gingerbread sweet sesame snaps lollipop. Chocolate bar sesame snaps cheesecake liquorice carrot cake scone pie sweet. Cake lemon drops pastry jujubes candy.

Sugar Plum

Soufflé topping cake macaroon liquorice cookie chupa chups pie. Chocolate bar sweet jelly croissant liquorice oat cake apple pie. Donut liquorice jelly beans sweet roll gummi bears marshmallow sugar plum. Gummies caramels candy cake sugar plum candy canes dessert brownie. Icing icing sweet roll donut jelly-o gingerbread sweet sesame snaps lollipop. Chocolate bar sesame snaps cheesecake liquorice carrot cake scone pie sweet. Cake lemon drops pastry jujubes candy.

59 %
of organisation leveraging APIs experience increased productivity.
46 %
saw increased innovation.