How a Case Management System Helps Your Business Provide Top-Notch Customer Service

Track every customer concern to a satisfying experience.

April 2021 - Time to Read: 4.5 Minutes
The way that you handle your customer service inquiries has a huge impact on customer loyalty. When a customer reaches out with a question or a problem, they want an answer quickly. One bad experience or too many steps to reach a resolution means you could lose a customer.

of customers say good customer service makes them more likely to make another purchase.

“State of the Connected Customer,” Salesforce, October 2020.

Customers may start their request via phone, chat, SMS, email, or social media and choose to move to another channel depending on their need. Salesforce research has found that 76% of customers prefer different channels depending on the context.

A good case management system ensures a seamless process for both the customer and the service agent from start to finish, no matter the communication channel. It connects the entire service organisation and gives agents everything they need to resolve a case, including activity history, next best actions, and critical customer information.

What is a case management system?

A case management system lets a company collect and organise customer service interactions that occur on any channel. The system tracks each case to resolution and beyond.

A modern case management platform pulls customer requests into a database, where customer service agents can view and respond to them. Case management tools allow agents to categorise and manage requests. Other team members can also review cases and resolutions and aggregate information to help the company improve products and business processes.

How does a good case management system help a business?

A case management system has many benefits beyond resolving customer concerns. Consider these added impacts:

1. Understand your customers better

When agents have everything they need to resolve a case, including order status, service history, and communication preferences, customer service interactions become opportunities to focus more on the customer. This leads to personalised service experiences that ensure happier customers. Plus, agents can record more accurate, rich insights about customers, which benefits everyone in your service organisation and offers valuable insights to other departments.

2. Assign the right agent to expedite resolutions

One of the main benefits of a case management system is omni-channel routing. When a case comes in, the right agent is assigned based on their skill set and availability. Customers don’t have to put in all the legwork or wait days for answers to their questions, and businesses improve their average handle time.

3. Automate tasks to empower your agents

Case management systems use automation to remove repetitive tasks from agents’ queues, freeing them to focus on more strategic activities. Agents follow sequences to resolve cases with prompts on what to ask and what to do.

Uncover the key features for a case management system

If you're considering a case management system, understand your company’s needs and customer service goals. Most companies see value in the following capabilities and seek them out in potential solutions:

Give everyone a single view

With a single view of the customer from their service console, agents do not need to reach out to a colleague (and wait for their reply) or track down a document to resolve a case. They don't even need to open different software or switch screens. Cloud-based case management systems provide every user with the same view, no matter where they are or what device they are using.

Deliver support anywhere

The best case management solutions enable companies to meet customers right where they are. This is critical as customer behaviors continue to change and new channels emerge. Good case management workflows allow agents to communicate with customers and resolve their concerns in real time, whether on a chat, mobile app, social media, or on the phone.

Make strategic decisions with your data

A case management system that collects information about customer service requests and resolutions can ultimately improve a company’s products and processes. The data points out problems to fix before the next iteration of products or instructions goes out to customers. And agents can learn how best to help customers with everyday concerns.

Offer intelligent self-service

Customers are looking for a way to resolve their issues immediately. Self-service channels, such as a customer portal, help center, or chatbot, deliver support any time, day or night. Customers use these channels to access helpful articles, FAQs, and routine information such as order status. They may also choose to ask a question on a customer community portal to tap into in-depth knowledge of your product’s features and functionality.


Customer Effort Score Cracks the Top 5 Most-Measured Service Metrics


What You Can Do in One Hour to Enhance Your Customer Self-Service



Improve case management with Salesforce Service Cloud.


See how to:

  • Enable omni-channel routing to improve case resolutions
  • Use automation to help agents focus on the customer
  • Support customers across channels with a 360-degree view

More Resources

7 Best Practices for Top-Notch Customer Service
The Importance of Customer Self-Service Portals
Inside the Fourth Edition of the “State of Service” Report

Ready to build a single view of your customer?