Reimagine Your Brand Loyalty Program

Keep shoppers coming back with personalised experiences that drive lower costs and higher retention.

Customers are redefining loyalty in today’s retail market. Shoppers have more choices and higher expectations than ever before, and brand relationships are more complex. People aren’t just looking to cash in on points; they want brands to connect with them on an emotional level. Retailers reap rewards as well: It is significantly more cost-effective to retain loyal customers than attract new ones, so loyalty programs done right can drive costs down as loyalty grows.

Brand loyalty programs have been evolving for the past few years. New technologies, ever-changing data and privacy policies, and the expectation that every interaction be highly personalised have created both challenges and opportunities for brands. Today’s brands are addressing these issues by offering consumers more control over their data and leaning into people’s desire to feel seen and known. Rather than relying on transactional benefits, brands are attempting to create personalised, meaningful experiences that foster authentic connections, deepen engagement, and earn ongoing loyalty.

Read on to find out how you can power retail success now through increased engagement, boosted retention, and improved customer lifetime value.


Ready to rethink your loyalty program?

In this guide, you’ll learn:

  • How retail loyalty programs are changing
  • Steps to build an impactful, cost-effective data strategy
  • Tips to bring new experiences to market quickly for faster ROI




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Customer Story

Carrefour changes the face of retail with Salesforce

Find out how Carrefour is blazing a trail to transform the face of retail.


Demo: Become a Retail Trailblazer

Learn how to blend the digital and physical shopper experience with personalised journeys.


State of the Connected Customer

Insights from nearly 17,000 consumers and business buyers on the new customer engagement landscape.

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