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3 Tips to Consolidate Your Partner Tech Stack to Boost Sales

Featured Speakers:

Alice Cathcart, CIO, GoodLeap
Kanan Garg, Senior Director of Product Management, Salesforce
Emily Diserens, Product Marketing Manager, Salesforce

Make the way your partners do business with you simple, predictable, and productive. It's true, today's available tech can help you streamline and automate your processes. However, having too many tools can cause problems. This is why you need to consolidate your tech stack to ensure you get the most out of your partner relationships. Join our webinar to hear how GoodLeap's CIO, Alice Cathcart, is minimizing tools to maximize profit and partner engagement.

Learn how Salesforce's Partner Relationship Management tool helps GoodLeap to:

  • Support its partners at every step of the lifecycle
  • Easily manage and engage partners — all in one place
  • Improve their partner experience


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